Series about Vision Forum

Sue Talbert at A Mother’s Heart Blog is writing a very interesting series called Vision Forum, Patriarchy and FLDS, Oh My!

In part 1 she explains how she came to find Vision Forum and read one of their books. She starts describing some objections to their teachings.

In Part 2 she expands on their teachings that women should not go to college or work outside the house (or from the house) and compares that to the FLDS as well as the taliban.

In Part 3 she discusses Bill Gothard and his teachings and how they relate to Vision Forum.

In Part 4 she begins to analyze problems with their teachings. She starts with Clothing / Modesty.

In Part 5 she discusses Reproduction / Quiverfull and the fact that they discourage adoption.

In part 6 she takes a look at their Politics and how they are working to create an Army For God. She also mentions child rearing, perfect obedience of children and wives and the Pearls’ teachings.

In Part 7, She explains Patriarchy and their teachings on Marriage and Wife Only Submission.

In Part 8 she concludes her series by looking at whether the group is Christian or heretical, what draws people to join such a group and her reason for writing the series.

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