A Closer Look At TTUAC and How It Relates To The Deaths of 3 Children

More bloggers are analyzing the connections between the Pearls’ book, To Train Up A Child and the deaths of 3 children who were being raised by the methods therein.

Free By His Grace tells the story of Hana “Williams” in heart wrenching detail and warns against the teachings of  TTUAC in Hana Williams: “Rebellion” or Reaction to Abuse?

QuicksilverQueen  has started a detailed Book Review of To Train Up A Child and how it relates to the deaths.  In this review she freely shares how being raised by these teachings affected her and what she was really feeling when her parents thought that she was joyously submissive.

Sadie Stein, writing for Jezebel, reports briefly on the Pearls and the deaths linked to their teachings in Another Child “Chastised” To Death.

Kathy Cassel of Cassel Crew explains her concerns with To Train Up A Child in (How Not) To Train Up a Child.  Note that she does believe in spanking but more as a last resort than as a first and/or only tool.

The Disturbing World of The Pearls in which she looks at Doublespeak and Definitions as well as some examples of his abusive teachings.
and The Disturbing World of The Pearls Part 2 in which she takes a look at their heretical Theology.



  1. Bon on July 25, 2014 at 7:11 pm

    Pearl says to not adopt anyone over 2 years of age I think it was… that is the first advice parents should take…the methods won’t work unless begun at a VERY early age.

    • Hermana Linda on July 25, 2014 at 8:20 pm

      I would prefer they take none of his advice, but if they must take any, they should indeed start with this one. This was what killed Hana, in my opinion. Her parents saw that his advice gave the desired results with their other children and could not accept that it would not work with the adopted children. 🙁

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