
New book in the Series from Samuel Martin dealing with Hebrews 12 and Spanking Children

By Hermana Linda

I am very pleased to share this information regarding Samuel Martin’s 2nd book. Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me: BOOK II The Book of Hebrews and the Corporal Punishment of Children in the Christian Context  A New Book by Samuel Martin This book has been 14 years in the making. Samuel Martin returns…

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Changes at NGJ

By Hermana Linda

I came across this blog post by Suzanne Titkemeyer at Pathos which has some recent updates at NGJ of which I was not aware. Apparently, someone else is running it now and they are softening their image. This is important because the more they hide their abuse, the more insidious they become. For your sharing…

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Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me: Christians and the Spanking Controversy Now Available on Amazon.com

By Hermana Linda

Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me: Christians and the Spanking Controversy by Samuel Martin was out of print but now it is again available in hard copy. You can find this wonderful book on Amazon.com or download it for free here. If you have already read the book, please head over to Amazon.com…

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Video About Growing Up Under Gothard’s and Pearl’s Teachings

By Hermana Linda

Kristiana Minor is interviewed by Chris Shelton in the long but very worthwhile video, Growing Up Quiverfull – The Duggar’s Destructive Cult. Because this video is over an hour long, I will provide an outline with times so you can skip to the parts you wish to watch. You can also read Kristiana’s story by…

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Zsuzsanna Anderson’s Negative Review of TTUAC

By Hermana Linda

When I find Pro-Spankers speaking out against the Pearl’s teachings, I like to highlight them because I am very aware that those who are convinced that the Bible teaches that they must spank will not listen to the arguments of those who do not. If you know someone who is looking into the Pearls’ teachings…

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White House Bible Study

By Hermana Linda

Libby Anne  reports that the White House Bible Study leader is teaching something very close to Pearl’s teachings. This is affecting the way they run the country, specifically the decision to separate children from their parents. I sincerely hope that this is not true, but I wanted to share it with everyone because it seems…

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Remembering Lydia as the Pearls are in the news once again

By Hermana Linda

Tulip Girl has an important post which I must share with you on this 8th anniversary of Lydia’s death. I have shared these posts on my Facebook page, it’s time to put them here, as well: Joy-Anna Duggar’s Husband Associated With Child Abuse Scandal from CafeMom Family Of Joy-Anna Duggar’s Husband Hosting Couple Accused Of…

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Book Review – “Parenting In Christ” by Christina Dronen

By Hermana Linda

Parenting in Christ: Treasures for Parenting from Jesus is a new book, written by Christina Dronen.  It is a lovely little study book, containing 10 short lessons, perfect for personal study or a small group setting. This is a very gentle book and respectful of children. I was quite impressed with these lessons and recommend…

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A New Rod Study Starting

By Hermana Linda

Jeanne, from Family That Matters, is starting a new Rod Study based on Samuel Martin’s book, Thy Rod And Thy Staff They Comfort Me. I’ll be linking to each chapter here. Why using the rod on your child and spanking is not found in the Bible: An old truth in a new light. (Part 1)…

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Science and Spanking

By Hermana Linda

So, there have been some new studies lately regarding spanking. While I realize that many Christians don’t give a fig what the scientists say, many do and I thought it might be helpful to link to some articles about these studies. Here is an article from Scientific American. Here is an article from IFL Science. I…

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