Posts Tagged ‘pain’
I Was Wrong to Tell You to Stop Spanking Your Kid: An Open Letter of Apology…
I was wrong. You heard it here first. That time. At the mall. You hit your kid and I told you it wouldn’t help anything and asked you to stop. That was really dumb. Not because I’ve changed my mind and decided we should hit kids, but because I know better. That approach I took…
Read MoreWhat doesn’t kill you…
Dara Stoltzfus questions the common saying, “What doesn’t kill me makes me….” For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreIs Raising Children The Same As Raising Animals?
Many Christian pro-spankers such as James Dobson and Michael Pearl equate animal training with child rearing. Pearl claims that training children is much like training “stubborn mules.” Dobson uses an example of whipping his tiny dog into submission to taming a toddler. They believe that training children and animals…
Read MoreDiscipline VS Neglect
Note from Hermana Linda: We appreciate getting comments and read every one. This comment from Pam is so long that Steph decided to respond in a post, so here it is. Hi Steph, Though I don’t consider myself to be “pro” spanking, I am pro-discipline, and I do believe that infrequent spanking can be part…
Read MoreReasons Not To Spank
Dara Stoltzfus has been thinking about Euphemisms as she gives us 20 Reasons not to Spank. And for more food for thought from Dara, check out her thoughts on Abortion: A private matter? For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MorePunishment Works?
Claire, over at Dare To Disciple, continues with her Myth Busting series with Punishment Works. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MorePain and Punishment
Dara Stoltzfus looks at pain and whether or not is is useful for teaching. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreBehaviorism at the Root of Child Training
Carissa Robinson explains that “If you observe most recommended Christian parenting practices today, you might be surprised to discover a secular influence: behavioral psychology” in Awaken Their Hearts. Meanwhile, Greenegem explains the error in thinking that we have to DO anything more than believe in order to be saved in No Assembly Required. For your…
Read MoreMore Investigation from CNN
CNN continues its investigative report of abuse among fundamental Christians and how it relates to the Pearls’ teachings. Jocelyn Zichterman, who was raised in this culture and started, explains the concept of Breaking The Will and how spankings must continue until the child submits even if it takes several hours. This video seems to…
Read MoreWhat John Piper Says About Spanking
Rachel had an in depth look at what John Piper says about Spanking but she has since closed her blog to the public. Please check out my John Piper tag. Also, check out what Barefoot Betsy says here. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreDeb’s Review of TTUAC – Part 3
Deb has posted the 3rd and final part of her review of Michael Pearl’s book, To Train Up A Child. In this post she looks at how Pearl prevented “sissies” and trained his children to always be happy. She also looks at what he teaches about the rod. She says that what Pearl teaches about…
Read MoreTTUAC: The Good, The Bad and The Shocking
Elizabeth, at Virginia Is For Mothers, reviews To Train Up A Child. In part 1 she shares her overall reaction which is mixed, and then what she found Good and Helpful about the book. I agree that there are some good and helpful messages in that book. To say otherwise is to put up a…
Read MoreYou Always Hurt The One You Love?
Molly remembers the messages she got as a child that parents must hurt their children because they love them. What kind of damage does that do to a child? And speaking of damage. What kind of damage is done to a child who is given a Roy Lessin spanking for every infraction? Especially when not…
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