Posts Tagged ‘The Pearls’ Teachings’
Michael & Debi Pearl: Helpful or Harmful? – Pastor Peter Vik
I found this video very well worth the time. They explain their concerns with the teachings of the Pearls and of Bill Gothard very well. Pastor Vik states that he is not against all corporeal punishment, which makes this good to share with pro-spanking Christians who will not consider any arguments from non-spankers. For your…
Read MoreZsuzsanna Anderson’s Negative Review of TTUAC
When I find Pro-Spankers speaking out against the Pearl’s teachings, I like to highlight them because I am very aware that those who are convinced that the Bible teaches that they must spank will not listen to the arguments of those who do not. If you know someone who is looking into the Pearls’ teachings…
Read MoreRemembering Lydia as the Pearls are in the news once again
Tulip Girl has an important post which I must share with you on this 8th anniversary of Lydia’s death. I have shared these posts on my Facebook page, it’s time to put them here, as well: Joy-Anna Duggar’s Husband Associated With Child Abuse Scandal from CafeMom Family Of Joy-Anna Duggar’s Husband Hosting Couple Accused Of…
Read MoreColleen’s Testimony
Coleen G. was nice enough to share her testimony here on my blog. I’m reposting it below so it won’t be missed. I have seen the fruits of the Pearl’s methods in my own children and at another family that we know. My friend tried to switch her toddler son until he was crying submissively and…
Read MoreRefuting Pearl’s Analysis of Spanking Studies
In a recent post, I shared discussion of an addition to To Train Up A Child by Michael Pearl. There is an exerpt from the chapter on the No Greater Joy website. In this article, Michael Pearl refutes studies which have shown spanking children to be harmful and shares the results of some other studies…
Read MoreParenting in the Name of God E-Book
C.L. Dyck has graciously allowed me to host her free e-book. Her summary text is as follows: Is the child-training method of homeschool business No Greater Joy Ministries a factor in child deaths? Sean Paddock (2006) and Lydia Schatz (2010) both died at the hands of parents who allegedly followed Michael Pearl’s child training method.…
Read MoreHe Makes Pearl’s Teachings Seem Gentle
R.L. Stollar has an in depth analysis of Voddie Baucham’s teachings in The Child As Viper: How Voddie Baucham’s Theology of Children Promotes Abuse. In it, Voddie Baucham’s teachings are compared to Michael Pearl’s teachings with this conclusion: Baucham’s system thus ends up being more authoritarian than Pearl’s, and that is caused by the fact that Baucham not…
Read MoreSo, You Think Spanking Is OK Because You Turned Out Fine?
Samuel Martin has a new blog post entitled, “So you think corporal punishment/spanking/smacking is ok because you turned out fine: Think again”. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreTo Condition Up A Child?
Michael Pearl says that his teachings are Biblical. Lee Woofenden does not agree and he explains why in his post, To Train Up A Child, or: Spare the Rod? What Rod? This is a long article and worth the read. He points out, among other things, that Mr. Pearl is actually teaching parents to condition their children…
Read MoreAnalyzing A Problematic Post by Pearl
Sarah at Field of Vision has started a small series of posts looking at the Pearl’s teachings and specifically their attitude towards children. This series focuses on one particular article by Michael Pearl called, Emotional Manipulators. Part 1: Parenting and the Power of Perspective in which she discusses how Michael Pearl assigns negative intent to…
Read MoreTurning Loving Parents Into Monsters Since 1994
Forgedimagination explains exactly how the Pearls’ teachings turn loving parents into monsters in Raised To Be A Monster. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreDebate with Pearl in The Christian Post
Back in March of 2012, Jan Heimlich debated Michael Pearl in a video which was featured in The Christian Post. Although, I did mention the debate at the time as well as Samuel Martin’s Rebuttal to one of his statements, I never gave my own rebuttal. I would like to respond to some of Mr.…
Read MoreConsidering Adoption Reform
Whatcom Mom had an interesting comment which I would like to highlight. I’m hoping the readers here will have some ideas about improving adoption home study practice, based on what we have learned from the deaths of Hana Williams and Lydia Schatz and injuries to their siblings. So you know where I’m coming from. I’m…
Read MoreReflections on the Williams Trial
As I reflect with sorrow and horror at the tragedy which was the Williams Trial, I find myself trying to make sense of what happened and why. What I see as the root problem is pride. The Bible says that God hates pride. We know that “pride goeth before a fall and a haughty spirit…
Read MoreThe Wartburg Watch Revisits The Pearls’ Teachings
The Wartburg Watch, takes another look at the Pearls’ teachings and The Senseless Death of Hana Williams. They link to all their previous posts and explain their problems with the teachings. Also, Maureen has a post about Hana’s Legacy. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreSome Looks At The Williams
Cindy Kunsman, from Under Much Grace, looks at the Williams Trial and compares the Williams family with the Schatz family in Awaiting the Verdicts in the Williams Trial: Another Michael Pearl/To Train Up A Child Associated Death. She also gives a brief outline of Pearl and his teachings and a lamentation for the devastation they…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 11: Testimony from Hana’s Biological Cousin
Today I would like to reflect on why we are following this trial. It is because the Williams were Pearl Followers. Their 7 biological children were all raised by the Pearl method and Carri was very happy and confident in this method being the best for everyone. I know this from reading on the Remembrance…
Read MoreAlways The Woman’s Fault?
Forgedimagination responds to an article by the Pearls in Cloistered Fruit: (Not) An Open Letter To The Pearls. This is a rather extreme example of their teaching that everything comes down to being the fault of the woman (or in this case, women.) For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreMore Looks at Michael Pearl’s Teachings
Michael Pearl’s teachings are being discussed in the blogosphere again. Rick Morton responds to Jonathan Merritt’s Analysis of Michael & Debi Pearl’s “Child Training” & The “Adoption Fever” Dialogue in this post. Morgan Guyton discusses Why He Would Fail Michael And Debi Pearl’s Parenting Class. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreSylvia’s Thoughts On Spanking
Sylvia shares her testimony and Her Thoughts On Spanking in this post. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreParallels Between Training Children and Training Dogs?
Dara Stoltzfus has 2 recent posts of interest. In Michael Pearl is right about training kids like dogs! she discusses pain and it’s usefulness in training children and dogs. In Crying over a Spanish Soap Opera!!! she discusses how raising children by learned traditions instead of by science and truth can damage them. For your…
Read MoreDiscussing Tim Challies’ Reviews
Recovering Grace promotes Tim Challies’ review of Created To Be His Help Meet. Also, someone brings up his review of To Train Up A Child in the comments and discussion of the Pearls ensues which might be of interest to my readers. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreChallies reviews TTUAC
After his review of Created To Be His Help Meet a few days ago, Tim Challies has decided to review To Train Up A Child, which he does in 2 parts: Tim Challies Review of To Train Up A Child Part 1 in which he looks at training versus discipline, and his concerns with Pearl’s…
Read MoreBut They Look So Happy
Home Educating Family Magazine has published an opinion piece about the Duggars and the teachings they follow (Gothard, S. M. Davis and Pearl) called, They Smile, but Do They Laugh? For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreTTUAC Withdrawn by Publisher in Poland
Polish Anti-Spanking Community Książki nie do bicia left a comment on my Facebook page saying, Hi! We would like to inform you that the publishing of a book “To train up a child” (and one more) has been withdrawn Poland (by the publisher). There are some other books like that (Fugate, Dobson, Smalley, Barnes) in…
Read MoreIs This Good Christian Parenting?
Ruvin, who blogs at By The Hui, has grave concerns about the Pearls’ teachings. She explains why in This is Christian Parenting? For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreRebuttal to Pearl’s Statement About “Traditional Child Training.”
Samuel Martin has posted a rebuttal to a quote Pearl made during his debate with Janet Heimlich in The Christian Post. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MorePearl Debates Heimlich in The Christian Post
The Christian Post reports on and shows the video of the debate about Biblical Chastisement between Michael Pearl and Janet Heimlich. Be sure to read Teri’s rebuttal to Pearl in the comments below. Speaking of debates, when Christian Today took their stand against spanking, they were criticized by Author and theologian Denny Burk. For your…
Read MoreA Psychology Professor Critiques the Pearls’ Teachings
Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas has uploaded a video from FOX News in which “SMU Psychology Professor George Holden, who specializes in child-parent relationships and positive child rearing, talks critically about Michael and Debi Pearl’s book “To Train Up A Child,” which advocates spanking.” More information about Professor Holden here. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd…
Read MoreAnother Interesting Quote from Pearl
My friend, Rebecca Diamond, brought this quote from Michael Pearl to my attention. It is from his website: Rodless Training from June 1999 (emphasis mine): “There will be times when a spanking is appropriate. But you are prevented! Then use your power as the caretaker and dispenser of all privileges and responsibilities to make his…
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