Posts Tagged ‘Cerebral Palsy’
Steph Got your help! Thank you!
UPDATE: Because of cash donations not included in the total, the goal has been met! Thank you to everyone who participated in this labor of love. <3 Steph is the author of Gentle Firmness. She needs a new wheelchair, this link explains why. Please share the link, every little bit helps. Thank you so much! For your…
Read More“Life with Cerebral Palsy” with Stephanie Cox
Dara Stoltzfus has started a new series about our very own Steph called, “Life with Cerebral Palsy” with Stephanie Cox. Here is what she has so far: Introduction The Chair! Back to School! The Holidays New Things! Love $hopping Ronan the horse For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreAbout Typing With My Nose
What’s on my mind? You know, CP is a very small part of who I am. I am extremely blessed to be alive let alone living an as “normal” as possible life…Something I dreamed about since I was little. I could be profoundly mentally disabled due to no oxygen for 40 minutes at birth. I…
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