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Petition to Auckland Libraries
Eileen Joy has started a petition at asking the Auckland Public Library system to remove the newly aquired book, To Train Up A Child from their system. The library claims that to remove it would be censorship, even though the book advocates for corporal punishment which is illegal in New Zealand. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd…
Read MoreSteph Got your help! Thank you!
UPDATE: Because of cash donations not included in the total, the goal has been met! Thank you to everyone who participated in this labor of love. <3 Steph is the author of Gentle Firmness. She needs a new wheelchair, this link explains why. Please share the link, every little bit helps. Thank you so much! For your…
Read MoreWho Wants To Be Interviewed For A News Story?
A writer from The Verge is working on a story about the Pearls for publication on The Verge website. He would like to talk with anyone who has experience with the book or the Pearls firsthand. If you are interested in taking part in this, please send me ( your contact info and I’ll pass it on…
Read MoreThe BBC Interview Is Over
A reporter from the BBC is working on a story about the Pearls for publication on the BBC website. He is doing a lot of research and would like to talk with someone who was raised by the Pearls’ methods. If you are interested in taking part in this, please send me ( your contact…
Read MoreAmazon Boycott
According to this tweet, Amazon has decided to not stop selling the controversial book, To Train Up A Child, by Michael and Debi Pearl. Aleem at @amazonuk states of To Train Up A Child ‘the decision has been made to keep it up this book for sale.’ Do this make anyone happy? — Spencer (@ADadCalledSpen)…
Read MoreHana and Pearl Are All Over The Internet
There has been a lot of attention being given lately to the Pearls and the part their book, To Train Up A Child, played in the death of Hana Aleumu “Williams.” So much attention in fact, that my blog could not handle the traffic generated by Google searches and was taken offline from the 19th…
Read MoreTo Train Up A Child Being Pulled?
It looks like Amazon has decided to keep selling the controversial book, To Train Up A Child, by Michael and Debi Pearl. It is being offered as usual on both the USA site and the UK site. However, Lulastic tells us that some other online retailers have decided to pull the book. She also discusses her…
Read MoreBritish Parliament Wants Amazon to Stop Selling TTUAC
Nadine Dorries, a member of the British Parliament, is insisting that stop selling Michael and Debi Pearl’s book, To Train Up A Child, according to an article by Jessica Elgot in the Huffington Post. The story was then picked up by Parentdish who wrote quite a long article about the story as well as the…
Read MoreA Survivor Speaks
M. Dolon Hickmon shares about the abuse he endured while growing up and how being spanked “The Right Way” almost destroyed him in this (*triggering*) letter he wrote to Michael Pearl. This post serves to introduce his Opus (a work of fiction) which apparently needs backers. However, it does seem like it could be of interest to…
Read MoreAdvice Line: Can You Help These Readers?
I have had 2 solicitations for advice so I’m opening up the advice line. Can anyone help these readers? Marissa Stone asks: Can you give me some advice on teaching honesty to kids? Right now it it feels like I am trying to push a car uphill. Not totally impossible but hard. How can you…
Read MoreSeeking Peace
Samuel Martin asks us all to join him in praying for “the peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on all under His sun suffering from family violence.” Speaking of peace, Carissa Robinson encourages us to run to The Father with our problems for He will give us peace in Paideia, Part 3. For…
Read MoreCNN Story on Christian Talk Radio
Jeri, the Owner of Gentle Christian Mothers, just sent me an interesting link. This is a Talk Radio Show about the CNN coverage of the Schatz Story from Aug 18, 2011. The half hour show is called, Issues Etc. and the host is Told Wilken. After playing the audio of the CNN show, he accepts…
Read MoreMichael Pearl and Anderson Cooper
Michael will appear with Anderson Cooper on Friday Dec 2, 2011. I assume that this will be the long awaited episode of which Elizabeth Esther spoke. Meanwhile, Alexandra Ossola has made a petition asking the American Family Association to denounce the book To Train Up a Child as it advocates legitimized abuse. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd…
Read MoreMaryJanesFarm Magazine and Shoshanna Pearl
I received an email late last week saying: I have come across your website about TTUAC, and while I don’t agree with everything you write about :-), I am glad you are taking a stand against TTUAC, and applaud you for that. I also see that you have an online petition against the book at…
Read MoreThe Pearls’ Book NOT Banned in New Zealand (Working on Amazon)
New Zealand’s Censorship Compliance Unit has decided not to ban nor restrict Michael and Debi Pearl’s book, To Train Up A Child, according to this article in the Marlborough Press. While I don’t believe in book banning, it seems to me that if a country has that policy, this book should fall into that category…
Read MoreTaking a Stand Against Child Abuse
The Wartburg Watch analyzes John Piper’s teachings about spanking a child to teach him to understand the wrath of God. They then take a stand against dangerous and abusive teachings and tell you how you can help. Bravo! They look at John Piper again in An Ultrasound of Abuse. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreMary Jane’s Farm Magazine
It has come to my attention that Mary Jane’s Farm Magazine is running a full-page ad for the Bulk Herb Store in their Dec/Jan ’10 issue. I wonder if they are aware that the Bulk Herb Store is owned by Shoshana Pearl, daughter of Michael and Debi. It’s possible that they have idea of what…
Read MoreKudos to SouleMama
I am impressed to see the owner of a small business drop a sponsor upon discovering that her sponsor does not share her values. I found out from a post on GCM that the sponsor she dropped was the Bulk Herb Store, owned by Shoshanna Pearl who is the daughter of Michael and Debi. I…
Read MorePreparing To Be A Help Meet
I find it odd that Yahoo News has a good review of Debi Pearl’s newest book, Preparing To Be A Help Meet. You may comment on that article there as well as on the Topix site. Yahoo did not allow me to submit my comment, probably because it was a link to this site. My…
Read MoreI Am Personally Opposed But…
ThatMom challenges us to take a stand in in her post “i am personally opposed to beating a child with a piece of plumbing supply line, but…..” For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreiTunes
The Pearls are asking their followers to go to iTunes and leave positive ratings and reviews for their shows. We should probably go help balance that out. If you have iTunes, you can rate the podcasts. ( I believe you have to be in iTunes to do this) To the right of where it…
Read MoreWe Must Speak Out
This Adventure Life exhorts us that We Must Speak Out. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreAwful Library Books
The Awful Library Books blog would like to see To Train Up A Child removed from all libraries. So far, nobody in the comments section has approved of the book, but some feel that it should be just removed from the Parenting section and put somewhere else where those who need it for research can…
Read MoreSecular Homeschooling Magazine
The homeschooling movement is taking notice of the Pearls. Secular Homeschooling is a rather large magazine and they have written an exposé of the Pearls and their teachings. She looks at all aspects of the Pearls and gives some advice on how to respond when offered the book at a homeschool gathering. To Train Up…
Read MoreOprah
Mothersson from GCM says, I have an idea. Will anyone join me in writing to Oprah and asking her to interview Michael Pearl / have Lisa Ling do an investigation on his teachings? Many people respect Oprah. I think that could make some head way to end the assault of children. As Oprah says, “when…
Read MoreSlippery Slope
Yes, the Pearls’ teachings are wrong. Yes, the Pearls’ teachings are dangerous. Yes, we must warn people to stay away from them. But when we call for them to be stopped, exactly who would stop them? When we start calling for someone to stop someone’s right to free speech, we must proceed with caution…
Read MoreHome Depot
TheLizardLass has started a campaign to ask Home Depot to make Michale Pearl to stop using their name in his teachings. She has given permission to copy and circulate, so I will include her proposal here: Hey youtubers, please let Home Depot know what you think of them remaining silent while Michel Pearl tells people…
Read MoreGet Involved
Boycott and Petitions: Parenting in Jesus’ Footsteps petition Time to padlock paddle peddlers! For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
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