CNN Story on Christian Talk Radio

Jeri, the Owner of Gentle Christian Mothers, just sent me an interesting link.  This is a Talk Radio Show about the CNN coverage of the Schatz Story from Aug 18, 2011.  The half hour show is called, Issues Etc. and the host is Told Wilken.  After playing the audio of the CNN show, he accepts calls and emails from his listeners to discuss the question, “Is Spanking Required in the Bible?”.  His conclusion seems to be that it is not mandated but neither it is prohibited.   The key to him is discipline.

And in the latest news about the Pearls, they just released a new book.  I see that Amazon is not at all concerned about the Petition.


  1. TulipGirl on March 1, 2012 at 9:13 am

    “His conclusion seems to be that it is not mandated but neither it is prohibited. The key to him is discipline.”

    To me, this is the most intellectually and Biblically honest answer. Though, at the same time I do not see spanking as consistent with looking to Christ and believing the Gospel applies to our children as well as to us. . .

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