Posts Tagged ‘adoption’
Shannon’s Testimony and Plea to End Obedience-Based Christian Parenting
Shannon Evans pleas for an end to Obedience-Based Christian Parenting, especially for adopted children, in a very well written post. This is a good post to share with pro-spankers because she explains the danger of the mindset without condemning spankers. I realize that many of my followers are disappointed in this post and claiming that…
Read MoreNot Allowed To Foster Because of Spanking
Gregory and Melanie Magazu have been told that they may not have foster children because they spank their own children. I think that it is a good thing. Foster children have enough trauma, without being aware of children in the home being hit. This applears to be a test case, so I will be watching it. For…
Read More3rd Anniversary of Hana’s Passing
Maureen remembers Hana Alemu “Williams” and gives us a small update in Remembering Hana: May 12, 2011. I should also mention that Feb 6 was the 5th anniversary of the passing of Lydia Schatz and Feb 26 was the 9th anniversary of the passing of Sean Paddock. May they rest in peace. For your sharing…
Read MoreUpdate in the Barbour Case
The Pittsburgh Post Gazette has an update on the Barbour Case which focuses on the children involved and their new life and healing. It’s so wonderful to post some good news for a change! In case you missed them, here are my previous posts about the Barbour case. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreCarri Williams Appeals
Maureen shares an update of the Barbour case, in which Kristen Barbour was sentenced to 6-12 months for pleading no contest to the felony charge of endangering her 2 adopted Ethiopian children. What I find most surprising is that she will be allowed to go home and take care of her children for 40 hours per week. This…
Read MoreRemembering Hana
Maureen, at Light Of Day Stories, remembers the verdict one year ago today. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreAnother case of abuse
There are so many tragic cases of abuse, I don’t usually mention them unless the abuse was clearly tied to Christian teachings. In the case of the Barbours the ties are not indisputable, but there are some pretty good hints. Thankfully, this case did not end in death. Maureen compares the Barbours with the Williams and finds…
Read MoreHana and Pearl Are All Over The Internet
There has been a lot of attention being given lately to the Pearls and the part their book, To Train Up A Child, played in the death of Hana Aleumu “Williams.” So much attention in fact, that my blog could not handle the traffic generated by Google searches and was taken offline from the 19th…
Read MoreHana’s Story in Slate Magazine
Kathryn Joyce did a long and very thorough investigative report for Slate Magazine on Hana’s entire story. Her article also looks at adoption reform. I must warn you that if you are sensitive and/or easily triggered, please do not read this story. Here is what Maureen has to say about the same article. The above mentioned…
Read MoreHana’s Fund
Maureen tells us about what the Ethiopian Community is working on in regards to Hana Alemu “Williams” in Hana’s Fund, Hana’s Grave Marker. (By the way, can anyone tell me why my traffic has suddenly spiked in the last few days? Not that I mind, of course, I’m just curious.) For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to…
Read MoreHow Many Churches Allow and Even Encourage Abuse
Valerie Tarico looks at the problem of Christian discipline leading to abuse in “Bible-based” discipline has led to child abuse in Salon Magazine. I am seeing non-believers getting more and more concerned with this issue and rightly so. It breaks my heart that abusive Christians are giving Christianity a bad name. Of course, it is only…
Read MoreConsidering Adoption Reform
Whatcom Mom had an interesting comment which I would like to highlight. I’m hoping the readers here will have some ideas about improving adoption home study practice, based on what we have learned from the deaths of Hana Williams and Lydia Schatz and injuries to their siblings. So you know where I’m coming from. I’m…
Read MoreReflections on the Williams Trial
As I reflect with sorrow and horror at the tragedy which was the Williams Trial, I find myself trying to make sense of what happened and why. What I see as the root problem is pride. The Bible says that God hates pride. We know that “pride goeth before a fall and a haughty spirit…
Read MoreThe Wartburg Watch Revisits The Pearls’ Teachings
The Wartburg Watch, takes another look at the Pearls’ teachings and The Senseless Death of Hana Williams. They link to all their previous posts and explain their problems with the teachings. Also, Maureen has a post about Hana’s Legacy. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 16: Last Day of Immanuel’s Testimony
Monday, August 19, 2013, was the last day of Immanuel William’s testimony. He did such a great job in a very difficult situation and those of us watching are very proud of him. The defense attorneys clarified with him that he sometimes had warm showers inside and did not take ALL his meals outside. Wow,…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 12: Immanuel Testifies for the 5th Time
Today, Tuesday, Aug 13, 2013, Immanuel was back in court after a 3 day break. There was no court session on Monday, in case anyone was wondering. The defense attorneys continue to play hard ball with poor Immanuel, which is very upsetting. Here is the story on Kiro TV. Also, Maureen has a post about…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 11: Testimony from Hana’s Biological Cousin
Today I would like to reflect on why we are following this trial. It is because the Williams were Pearl Followers. Their 7 biological children were all raised by the Pearl method and Carri was very happy and confident in this method being the best for everyone. I know this from reading on the Remembrance…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 3: Autopsy Testimony
Here is Maureen’s report from Tuesday, July 30, 2013. I will give a brief summary below for the faint of heart and/or the short of time. Dr. Daniel Selove testified about the autopsy and explained how he arrived at the conclusion that Hana died of hypothermia and that malnutrition and H. Pylori contributed to her death. She…
Read MoreThoughts on the Williams Trial
Maureen has been doing a great job giving us objective reports on the Williams Trial. She now gives us her own thoughts about the trial as a “fierce advocate for adoption policy that is transparent and has integrity.” As she warns, she takes off her gloves; and if you cannot tolerate any discussion of harsh…
Read MoreMore Looks at Michael Pearl’s Teachings
Michael Pearl’s teachings are being discussed in the blogosphere again. Rick Morton responds to Jonathan Merritt’s Analysis of Michael & Debi Pearl’s “Child Training” & The “Adoption Fever” Dialogue in this post. Morgan Guyton discusses Why He Would Fail Michael And Debi Pearl’s Parenting Class. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreMore Court Cases Involving Abused Adopted Children
I have been watching 2 very sad cases in the news since October 2012. I have not mentioned them before now because neither of them seem to be following any particular extreme teaching. They are both about Christian adoptive parents who apparently tried to control their adoptive children using adversarial parenting and corporal punishment and…
Read MoreBill To Protect Adopted Children Being Considered
House Judiciary Committee is considering a bill to protect adopted children as a response to the Hana Alemu “Williams” case. More information in this article in The Capitol Record. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreUpdate on Williams Court Case
The Williams Court Case is in the news again. This story in The Komo News reviews what happened to Hana Alemu “Williams” and how charges came to be filed over a year ago and brings us up to date with where the case stands now. For more info about this case, please see my Hana…
Read MoreHana and The Pearls in The Seattle Times
Jeff Hodson of the Seattle Times provides extensive coverage of the death of Hana Alemu “Williams” as well as the Pearls’ teachings in Did Hana’s parents ‘train’ her to death? I am grateful to see this blog mentioned and linked to in this article. Letters to the editor regarding that article are here. For your…
Read MoreMore Mainstream Mentions of Pearl
Kristin Butler at looks at The Pearls and the Schatz tragedy in Disciplined to Death. A St. Louis Law Firm appears to be seeking families who wish to sue Michael for “negligence of a producer of consumer products.” And on a side note, The Hippie Housewife has posted part 3 of her three-part series…
Read MoreDisciplining the Adopted Child
Dulce de Leche has some more tools for your Gentle Discipline Toolbox: Opening Up the GD Toolbox: Physical Needs Opening Up the GD Toolbox: Play For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreThe Pearls Remain In The News
Lisa Belkin of The Huffington Post asks, Can Adoption Lead to Child Abuse? Elizabeth Esther explains why we should hold the Pearls accountable for their teachings in Are the Pearls to blame for child spanking deaths? Clay Duda of the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange takes a look at the history of corporeal punishment in Spanking at…
Read MoreHana Fund
Here is an article from ZenaEthiopia about Hana and the fund which has been started to help make sure that nothing like this ever happens again: Ethiopian Community Mutual Association of Seattle Announces Hana Fund. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreStatement from Hana’s Adoption Agency
AAI, Hana’s Adoption Agency, has sent the following Letter to its adoptive families: Dear Adoptive Family, Everyone at AAI is shocked and saddened by the tragic death of Hana, a 13 year old from Ethiopia who had been with her adoptive family for three years. She passed away in May and, after several months of…
Read MoreMore Thoughts About Hana Williams
Kathy Cassel of Cassel Crew explains her concerns with To Train Up A Child in (How Not) To Train Up a Child. Note that she does believe in spanking but more as a last resort than as a first and/or only tool. Professor Curtis Hutt of the University of Nebraska shares his view concerning the…
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