Shannon’s Testimony and Plea to End Obedience-Based Christian Parenting
Shannon Evans pleas for an end to Obedience-Based Christian Parenting, especially for adopted children, in a very well written post. This is a good post to share with pro-spankers because she explains the danger of the mindset without condemning spankers. I realize that many of my followers are disappointed in this post and claiming that…
Read MoreColleen’s Testimony
Coleen G. was nice enough to share her testimony here on my blog. I’m reposting it below so it won’t be missed. I have seen the fruits of the Pearl’s methods in my own children and at another family that we know. My friend tried to switch her toddler son until he was crying submissively and…
Read MoreLetter to A Pro-Spanker
The Melting Mom has written a letter to her pro-spanking friend to explain what she has learned about gentle parenting. This is a fantastic letter and I know that you will find it helpful. I would also like to remind everyone that Gentle Christian Mothers is a very good place for mothers who are seeking…
Read MoreDonia’s Testimony
Another testimony from someone who was “lovingly” spanked/hit by her well meaning Christian parents, and yet, was harmed. Pro-spankers, please do not dismiss these real stories. After all, if spanking is so “godly,” why do you call people harmed by spankings “spoiled brats? Here is Donia’s story: “This was how I was raised. Spanked ‘biblically’…
Read MoreFollowing God’s Word or Man’s?
Richard was kind enough to share his concerns with me here. Dara responded to him with such a powerful testimony that I did not want to leave her words hidden in my comment section. That is why I am reproducing her comment here. ****************************************************************************************** “How interesting, Hermana Linda, that you have determined that there are better ways to guide…
Read MoreRepenting of Christian Spanking
M. Dolon Hickman shares his testimony and background of how he came to write his book, “13:24“ as well as how his father repented of his abuse in, My Father Repented of “Christian Spanking” Too Late. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreA Father Of Four’s Journey To Gentle Discipline
Samuel Martin has shared a lovely letter from a father of four boys who decided to give up spanking after reading his book. Here is a short excerpt. …What mattered was that the Bible told us to spank. I figured we would talk it through and I would defend the biblical position. In my mind, if…
Read MoreBill Gothard In The Spotlight After Abuse Allegations
World Mag Reports that Bill Gothard has been placed on administrative leave while they research recent allegations of abuse. Here is the story from the Christian Post. Naturally this story has impacted many people. Here is a testimony from Micah Murray which reflects on this news as he looks at Growing Up in Bill Gothard’s Homeschool…
Read MoreWhy Heather Schopp Stopped Spanking
Heather Schopp explains how she came to give up spanking in this testimony shared on Samuel Martin’s blog. This blog post is part of a Facebook discussion found here. Dara Stoltzfus has this and other testimonies here. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreTurning Loving Parents Into Monsters Since 1994
Forgedimagination explains exactly how the Pearls’ teachings turn loving parents into monsters in Raised To Be A Monster. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreTo Break Down A Child – Stories Of Life Under Pearl’s Teachings
Last Week, I mentioned that Homeschoolers Anonymous was collecting stories and testimonies from those who were affected by Pearl’s teachings. Well, their “Pearl-Style Discipline Week” is over, so I thought I would link to their collection of tragic stories. This series is not for the sensitive and/or easily triggered. I especially want to highlight…
Read MoreA Survivor Speaks
M. Dolon Hickmon shares about the abuse he endured while growing up and how being spanked “The Right Way” almost destroyed him in this (*triggering*) letter he wrote to Michael Pearl. This post serves to introduce his Opus (a work of fiction) which apparently needs backers. However, it does seem like it could be of interest to…
Read MoreSylvia’s Thoughts On Spanking
Sylvia shares her testimony and Her Thoughts On Spanking in this post. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreBringing Out The Best In Our Children
Sara Mae shares how spanking was affecting her 2 1/2 year old’s self esteem and why she and her husband decided to stop in How Gentleness Makes Our Children Great. Dara Stoltzfus also has noticed the importance of a child’s self-worth and explains how we can encourage their inner beauty in Princes and Princesses on…
Read MoreFear
Dara Stoltzfus shares her testimony of growing up being spanked for every infraction in “I was spanked and I’m OK!” FEAR.. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreMore Reasons Not to Spank
Joy explains Why She Doesn’t Spank Her Children Anymore. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreRejecting The Pearls
Calulu reflects on how and why she rejected the teachings of “To Train Up A Child,” in Parenting & the Super Religious. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreReb Bradley
Latebloomer was raised in Reb Bradley’s church, Hope Chapel, and is one of the Sheltered, Controlled Homeschoolers who “didn’t ‘turn out right,’ yet another disappointment to the former parents and leadership of Hope Chapel.” She shares some important insights about this in “Biblical” Parenting, Introduction. (By the way, I was surprised to see Kevin and Elizabeth…
Read MoreSarah Presswood’s Testimony and a Comment from Kysyra
I got a nice message on the Facebook Page from Sarah Presswood which she graciously gave me permission to share. I am so grateful that I found your site. My parents used To Train Up A Child by the Pearls and taught/utilized Growing Kids Gods Way as their parenting guides my entire childhood and adolescence.…
Read MoreLeaving The Patriarchy Movement
Becky at Created To Be His shares her testimony of how she fell into the false teachings of the patriarchy movement and the Pearls’ and the lessons she has learned since then. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read More10 Commandments for Parents and 52 Tool Cards
Dulce de Leche continues her 10 Commandments For Parents series with The 10 Commandments for Parents: Taking His Name in Vain. Pearl in Oyster (PIO) continues her 52 Tool Cards series with 52 Tool Cards Double Feature: Focus on Solutions and Problem Solving. While we’re on the subject of gentle parenting, here is a Post…
Read MoreShowing Compassion To The Deceived
This blog has always tried to argue against false teachings without making those using those teachings feel condemned. That is a delicate balance and not always possible to achieve. It is not at all pleasant to find out that the choices one has prayerfully made are considered to be abuse by many people. And upon…
Read MoreTestimony: Why Pearl’s Methods Are Dangerous
An anonymous writer explains how she used to follow Pearls teachings to the letter and exactly how and why they are dangerous in Corpses Don’t Rebel: A former follower of Michael Pearl’s “To Train Up A Child” reacts to the death of Hana Williams. Deb of The Wartburg Watch posts about exposing Pearl’s teachings as…
Read MoreAnother Anonymous Spanking Story
Dulce de Leche has posted Another Anonymous Post on Spanking in which the anonymous poster shares about how the spankings her younger brother received affected her. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreLooking Back on Being Spanked
Samuel Martin’s newest post reaches out to the Spanked and seeks ideas on how to help them convey their viewpoints to their parents. Meanwhile, Libby Anne has shared 2 posts sharing her testimony of how her parents’ adherence to the Pearls’ teachings affected her: Giving the Child the Rod, in which she shares about how…
Read MoreThe Right Way to Spank?
Dulce de Leche questions the common idea that spanking is not harmful when done without anger in Spanking In Anger — What Does It Matter? For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreAnother Letter To A Pastor About Spanking
Dulce de Leche shares a letter someone wrote to her pastor about her experiences with spanking and why she does not believe it should be preached from the pulpit. She shares her testimony of what it was like to be spanked and how it effected her. She also looks at the blurred distinction between spanking…
Read MoreNational Spank Out Day
In honor of National Spank Out Day, Dulce de Leche asks what kind of Fruit does spanking produce in our lives. Her answer is Rotten Fruit. Also, check out Jen from A Path Less Taken’s post about Not Crying Over Spilled Milk . You will also want to check out her follow up post, Gentle…
Read MoreClaire’s Testimony
Claire has been doing some more Myth Busting at Dare to Disciple in Myth Busting 4: My Story. Here are the myths she busts in this installment: ‘Punish’ and ‘discipline’ are synonyms. (note: Sally Clarkson mentioned this in a recent post) All Christians spank. Spanking is the best way to make a point to a…
Read MoreBrandy Explains How She Disciplines
Brandy of Brandy’s Brood tried the Pearls’ method and found it to have a very negative impact on their toddler so they gave up spanking and moved towards more gentle discipline. She tells her story in her post, Ask Brandy: Discipline. While still using non-corporal punishments, they strive to be gentle and are still on…
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