Posts Tagged ‘patriarchy’
A Voice For The Victims
Victimhood is a very personal thing. Many survivors of abuse are finding their voices and are making a valient effort to speak for these victims. Some are saying that it increases the pain of the victims and that we should stop. Others are saying that we must speak out in order to give a voice to the…
Read MoreHe Makes Pearl’s Teachings Seem Gentle
R.L. Stollar has an in depth analysis of Voddie Baucham’s teachings in The Child As Viper: How Voddie Baucham’s Theology of Children Promotes Abuse. In it, Voddie Baucham’s teachings are compared to Michael Pearl’s teachings with this conclusion: Baucham’s system thus ends up being more authoritarian than Pearl’s, and that is caused by the fact that Baucham not…
Read MoreHSLDA Speaks Out Against Patriarchy
Michael Ferris, on behalf of HSLDA, speaks out against Bill Gothard, Doug Phillips and the teachings of Patriarchy in A Line In The Sand. It’s a shame they still recommend abusive books, such as those by Dr. James Dobson and John Rosemond. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreThe Duggars Are Getting A Lot Of Attention Lately
Here is an article which explains why many of us are uncomfortable with the Duggars. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreHobby Lobby and Bill Gothard
Micah Murray explains more about Hobby Lobby’s Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs and how much Bill Gothard has influenced them. He also looks at the Duggars in this piece. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreBill Gothard Resigns
Religion News Service reports that Bill Gothard has resigned from his position after being put on administrative leave following allegations of abuse. For background info about Bill Gothard, please see this post from Cindy, written a few days before his resignation. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreVision Forum: Peter Bradrick Speaks
Peter Bradrick, once very close to Doug Phillips, has broken his silence. While we still have more questions than answers, this development is very much of interest to those who are following the Vision Forum saga. Doug Phillips: “Disowns” Former Vision Forum Executive Assistant to President, Peter Bradrick, Calls Him “Destroyer” When Confronted about Sins…
Read MoreThe Resignation of Doug Phillips
You have probably heard by now that Doug Phillips has resigned from his position as president of Vision Forum Ministries and and discontinued his speaking responsibilities. When I first saw this, I did not know what to think. On one hand, he has done so much damage to so many people and yet he appeared…
Read MoreHow Many Churches Allow and Even Encourage Abuse
Valerie Tarico looks at the problem of Christian discipline leading to abuse in “Bible-based” discipline has led to child abuse in Salon Magazine. I am seeing non-believers getting more and more concerned with this issue and rightly so. It breaks my heart that abusive Christians are giving Christianity a bad name. Of course, it is only…
Read MoreDo The Newsboys Promote Corporal Punishment?
Dulce De Leche explains the ties that the contemporary Christian music group, The Newsboys has to the Patriarchy/Quiverfull/Stay-At-Home-Daughters movement in Why I Burned My Newsboys CDs. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreDeath by Submission
Misty Horner passed away in 2007 from an infection she sustained in an unassisted homebirth. Her husband and the cult they followed did not allow her to seek medical intervention during the 31 days it took for her to die. Her parents filed a wrongful death suit against her husband, Caleb Horner, his brother, John…
Read MoreDiscussing Tim Challies’ Reviews
Recovering Grace promotes Tim Challies’ review of Created To Be His Help Meet. Also, someone brings up his review of To Train Up A Child in the comments and discussion of the Pearls ensues which might be of interest to my readers. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreLeaving The Patriarchy Movement
Becky at Created To Be His shares her testimony of how she fell into the false teachings of the patriarchy movement and the Pearls’ and the lessons she has learned since then. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreThe Vision Forum’s Tenets of Biblical Patriarchy, 16-21: Education, Transformation, and Control
Note: This is an edited and collated version of a series of posts that I made at Free Jinger in August 2011. For much of my life, my encounters with U.S. fundamentalist Christianity were sporadic and bewildering. I started digging into the roots of the fundamentalist mindset when I became a homeschooler and a Sunday…
Read MoreWartburg Watch Looks at Vision Forum
Wartburg Watch has posted a series on Vision Forum and Patriarchy which some of you might find interesting. Homeschooling Hijackers mentions at Doug Phillips, Voddie Baucham and Scott Brown. What Are Family Integrated Churches? mentions ThatMom and the family-integrated church (FIC) movement. NCFIC, Vision Forum, and the Bottom Line discusses the history of Vision Forum…
Read MoreAnalyzing Bill Gothard’s Textbooks
Glen E. Chatfield, of The Watchman’s Bagpipes, Analyzes Bill Gothard’s IBLP Basic Seminar Textbook which could prove very useful to many, even if they do not necessarily agree with everything Brother Glen has posted. Here is a large excerpt from his intro: I have to state up front that the principles taught in this text…
Read MoreExposing False Teachings
I just found an interesting site, Midwest Christian Outreach devoted to exposing false teachings. They have an article about Bill Gothard and ATIdentity. More on Bill Gothard Vision Forum and Patriarchy Speaking of Bill Gothard, some of my newer readers might have missed Greenegem’s post about Scriptural Tofurkey. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreTwo More New Blogs
Here are 2 blogs which I think might be of interest: Rethinking Vision Forum looks like the place to send anyone who has questions about Vision Forum. It is all about “Examining the Fallacies of Vision Forum’s ‘Godly’ Family Living.” Since this blog links to the series to which I used to link in my…
Read MoreUnderstanding Biblical Gender Equality
Hope Abigail Freeman wrote to me saying …I have written a new book called “Understanding Biblical Gender Equality”, which is free to read online at the website It’s brand new, the site just launched recently, and it should be available in paperback soon also. If you take a look you can see, I’m trying…
Read MoreRenouncing Patriocentric Teachings
pFamilyGal renounces her belief in patriocentric teachings and explains why in Freeeeedoooom. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreNew Book About Patriarchy
Under Much Grace discusses Jon Zens’ New Book, No Will of My Own (How Patriarchy Smothers Female Dignity and Personhood). For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreBetrothal
Eric M. Pazdziora writes about the Bondage of Betrothal at Quivering Daughters. This is a very good explanation of why the Courtship and Betrothal Movement is not Biblical. In response, Sister Lisa, at Soul Liberty Faith, writes about Betrothal and the Works of The Flesh in which she discusses how her family approached the concept…
Read MoreAnalyzing the Schatz Tragedy
Cindy, from Under Much Grace, analyzes what causes people like Kevin and Elizabeth Schatz to harm their children in a new series: Why Good People Make Dangerous Choices (Pondering Pearl and Lydia Schatz) An Introduction Part I: Virtue In Place of Unquestioned Obedience. Part II: How Dehumanization (and Declaring War Against Family Members) Causes Moral…
Read MoreSeries on First Time Obedience
Cindy of Under Much Grace has posted part 5 of her series about First Time Obedience: Revisiting First Time Obedience: Finding New Alternatives For your convenience I will paste here the links to the rest of the series along with her descriptions: ►First Time Obedience Introduction The Selfish Sin of Shyness A review of the…
Read MoreMore Blog Posts About Bill Gothard
A Quiver Full of Information has a bunch of new posts about Bill Gothard. Here are the ones I find most interesting: Shadowspring’s testimony: Bill Gothard has negativley affected my life…. Bill Gothard has negativley affected my life part 2 More about Webster in this post from, Cultish Christian Leader Teaches Women Should Submit…
Read MoreWife Only Submission vs Mutual Submission
I have noticed a confusion about the difference between WOS (Wife Only Submission) and MS (Mutual Submission) so I would like to clarify the difference and add some thoughts. WOS is the belief that, in marriage, husbands are not obligated/called to submit to their wives out of reverence for Christ. MS is the believe that…
Read MoreUncovering More Horrors
As we probe the underbelly of the damage done by the Patriarchy Movement and even Corporeal Punishment in general, eventually we will uncover even more horrors. I have avoided “going there” for quite some time, preferring to skirt the issue, as it seemed unnecessary to bring up in polite society. However, this blog post from…
Read MoreLooking at Bill Gothard
Dulce de Leche has shared some memories of Bill Gothard’s seminars and how his teachings affected her during her formative years in, Peering Underneath the Umbrella: Musings on Gothardism. This is an exposé as well as a testimony as she gives us an inside look at Gothard’s teachings. Speaking of Bill Gothard, E. Stephen Burnett…
Read MoreTesting the Spirit of Quiverfull
Kristen Rosser has started a series over at NLQ called, Testing the Spirit of Quiverfull. I think this checklist of sorts actually pertains to all Patriarchy teachings. This is good reading for someone who is dabbling with Quiverfull/Patriarchy and thinking that they can separate the “meat from the bones.” These posts are written specifically for…
Read MoreSpeaking Out Against Patriarchy
Here is Rebecca Diamond’s testimony and explanation of what she has against Patriarchy. Note to the easily offended: she does give this post a PG-13 rating. And here is an exposé of the dark underbelly of the Father and Daughter Retreat offered by Vision forum. This is not for the faint of heart. For your…
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