The Resignation of Doug Phillips
You have probably heard by now that Doug Phillips has resigned from his position as president of Vision Forum Ministries and and discontinued his speaking responsibilities.
When I first saw this, I did not know what to think. On one hand, he has done so much damage to so many people and yet he appeared to be doing the right thing by stepping down from the ministry when he fell. He sounded so repentant and I was even hopeful that he was finally going to understand grace. Then I started reading commentary and realized the following:
1) I failed to notice that he did not express any sorrow for hurting this nameless woman.
2) It would appear that he only stepped down from the ministry (non-profit) side of Vision forum. As far as anyone can tell, he continues to be the head of their For Profit side. Update Nov 6: He has published confirmation of continuing his position at Vision Forum. Update Jan 21, 2014 The for profit side of Vision Forum has been shut down.
Here are a few reactions to the news of Doug Phillips’ resignation:
Vision Forum Ministries President Doug Phillips Resigns Due to Infidelilty from the The Wartburg Watch
He Does Not Represent God to Me: the resignation of Doug Phillips by Kristi-Joy at Constellation Hope
Fallen by Lore Ferguson at Sayable
The Heavy Burden of Doug Phillips’ Legalism Leads to His Resignation From Vision Forum and
Doug Phillips’ Balance Sheet: Vision Forum Ministries vs. Vision Forum, Inc. and
How Patriarchy Itself is the Slippery Slope that Led Doug Phillips to Serious Sin With Another Woman by Jen at Jen’s Gems
One Vital Lesson From Doug Phillips’ Resignation by David Murray at HeadHeartHand Blog
Doug Phillips: The Big Scandal You Didn’t Hear About and Why It Matters by Julie Ingersoll at the Huffingon Post
To My Sister and the Vision Forum Victim No One’s Talking About by Jenny Wells
Thinking thoughtfully about Doug Phillips’ resignation, part one and
Thinking thoughtfully about Doug Phillips’ resignation, part two ~ how the patriocentrists raise daughters
sharper than any two-edged sword and
Thinking thoughtfully about Doug Phillips’ resignation, part three ~ not every man and
Thinking thoughtfully about Doug Phillips’ resignation, part four ~ danger markers along the patriarchy path and
Thinking thoughtfully about Doug Phillips’ resignation, part five ~ praise where praise is due By ThatMom
Are the women to blame for Doug Phillips’ resignation from Vision Forum Ministries? by Sallie at A Woman’s Freedom In Christ
Doug Phillips: Repentance and Restoration – Is it Possible? and
Doug Phillips: Question about Pastoral Position, Timeline of Events, and Understanding True Repentance by Julie Anne at Spiritual Sounding Board
“We All Sin:” A 15 Step Path To Forgiveness for Doug Phillips by Heather of Becoming Worldly
Update: Vision Forum Ministries has closed. Again, this does not affect the For Profit Organization, Vision Forum Inc.
Sorry, it looks like the quote I wrote didn’t go through. I was commenting on this: “There is also no evidence that he has stepped down from his position of elder at Boerne Christian Assembly.”
Thank you. When I wrote that, the link I included still had his name on the webpage under Elders. I just checked again and it is gone, so I removed that from the post.
Regarding this:
I just noticed he’s no longer mentioned there.
On another page I looked at apparently a commenter mentioned that he stepped down in February of this year, but that’s not been verified, however Voddie Baucham said he stepped down “months ago”:
I have also heard that he stepped down in February.
Thanks for the mention and great list of commentaries!
Extreme patriarchal pride (such that encourages women to act militaristic anit-feminist) leads to the fall. I enjoy reading books and resources listed on the visionforum website…..but I understand that I can only read so much and then I recognize that others are just out to “get-my-money” for the games they play. Can’t really put 100% trust in any ministry. Can only trust God and accept the family I was raised with who allowed my mother to work outside of the home…….
I feel sad for beall philips and what she had to endure. I feel sad for the women who was seduced to pant around with doug phillips.
Thank you so much, Linda, for drawing together these links for us. I am “meeting” a lot of fine folks who have been as troubled by Phillips as I have–and more, as they have had more contact with his teaching.
There are so many skewed ideas out there, & I fear for those who are being deceived by them.