Posts Tagged ‘punishment’
A person’s a person no matter how small.
Sarah has graciously allowed me to host this most excellent post. ********************************************************************* Aha. Welcome to my long winded “Why I don’t believe in spanking” post. You will soon find that spanking isn’t the whole issue with me. I don’t believe in punishment at all (GASP!). ‘Course permissiveness can be unhealthy as well, so I am setting…
Read MoreWhat doesn’t kill you…
Dara Stoltzfus questions the common saying, “What doesn’t kill me makes me….” For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreDiscipline = Punishment? Really?
Dara Stoltzfus looks at the question, if discipline equals punishment, why does (Self) Discipline not equal (Self) Punishment ? For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreDara Explains Natural Consequences
Note from Hermana Linda: Pam continues to ask thought provoking questions about how one can raise children without spanking. In This comment, she asks, What do you mean by natural consequences? I think some of those are what I hoped for my children to avoid and why I view some punishment as a necessary part…
Read MoreDiscipline VS Neglect
Note from Hermana Linda: We appreciate getting comments and read every one. This comment from Pam is so long that Steph decided to respond in a post, so here it is. Hi Steph, Though I don’t consider myself to be “pro” spanking, I am pro-discipline, and I do believe that infrequent spanking can be part…
Read MoreGoal of Parenting
We continue our look at the goal of parenting. Dara Stoltzfus examines Cooperation vs Compliance: Love vs Fear. The Hippie Housewife considers Asking the right questions. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MorePunishment Works?
Claire, over at Dare To Disciple, continues with her Myth Busting series with Punishment Works. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreThe Christian and The Explosive Child
Wendy at Practical Theology for Women shares A Christian Perspective on the Explosive Child. In this post she recommends the very helpful book, The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene. I see that she also has her own Rod Study as well as a look at Discipline vs. Punishment. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreSarah’s Arguments Against Spanking
Sarah explains why she does not believe in spanking in a well researched and chatty post entitled, A person’s a person no matter how small. She also answers some common arguments for spanking with counter arguments, which many will find helpful. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreChallies reviews TTUAC
After his review of Created To Be His Help Meet a few days ago, Tim Challies has decided to review To Train Up A Child, which he does in 2 parts: Tim Challies Review of To Train Up A Child Part 1 in which he looks at training versus discipline, and his concerns with Pearl’s…
Read MorePunishment
Sarah at Under The Olive Branch shares a very thought provoking quote about punishment. While you are there, check out her love story The Restoration of All Things. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreContemplating Gentle Discipline
Molly contemplates what Gentle Discipline means to her in Beyond The Ideas. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreCNN Story on Christian Talk Radio
Jeri, the Owner of Gentle Christian Mothers, just sent me an interesting link. This is a Talk Radio Show about the CNN coverage of the Schatz Story from Aug 18, 2011. The half hour show is called, Issues Etc. and the host is Told Wilken. After playing the audio of the CNN show, he accepts…
Read MoreLogical Consequences vs Punishment
Pearl in Oyster (PIO) takes a look at Logical Consequences vs Punishment as she continues her 52 Tool Cards Series. Bonus post: Sibling Rivalry? From the Mouth of Babes. <3 For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreDoes God Spank His Children?
Carissa Robinson delves into the question, “Does God Spank His Children?“ For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreCommandments for Parents
Dulce de Leche explains how some parents inadvertently set themselves up as idols in The 10 Commandments for Parents: No Other Gods. Alison Strobel explains Golden Rule Parenting. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreElizabeth Esther Explains the Popularity of TTUAC
Elizabeth Esther explains How “To Train Up A Child” Got So Popular in a video. Meanwhile, Dulce de Leche considers Defiance and the Thought Police in a very important post. Are you punishing your children for obeying but with a defiant attitude? Are you expecting them to obey right away with a convincing smile? If…
Read MoreBehaviorism at the Root of Child Training
Carissa Robinson explains that “If you observe most recommended Christian parenting practices today, you might be surprised to discover a secular influence: behavioral psychology” in Awaken Their Hearts. Meanwhile, Greenegem explains the error in thinking that we have to DO anything more than believe in order to be saved in No Assembly Required. For your…
Read MoreA Wrong Turn On The Parenting Journey
Dulce de Leche shares how she made a Wrong Turn in her parenting and how she corrected it. Here is more about Correcting the Course. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreReflecting the Character of God
The Hippie Housewife discusses how we should reflect the character of God for our children. She looks at how attachment parenting looks a lot like how God cares for us and warns us about 3 heresies which are cropping up in many Christian teachings. Along the same lines, Pearl In Oyster (PIO) explains that we…
Read MoreThe Effect of Spanking on Children
Carissa Robinson shares a true story of how spanking affected one child growing up in Lock ‘Em Up, Throw Away the Key. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreFruits of Gentle Discipline
Dulce de Leche explains how she came to chose Gentle Discipline 7 years ago and examines the fruits of her decision in 7 Year Harvest. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreResponses to Our Critics
pFamilyGal considers the question of whether it is right for Christians to condemn the Pearls’ teachings in Called to Judge. Pearl In Oyster (PIO) responds to her critics in More Thoughts on Biblical Parenting where she discusses Divine Punishment vs. Grace, Spanking for Danger Situations and the Rod Verses. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreBook Review: Thy Rod and Thy Staff, They Comfort Me, Part II
Dulce de Leche has finally posted part 2 of her book review of Samuel Martin’s book, Thy Rod and Thy Staff, They Comfort Me where she discusses the content of the book chapter by chapter. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreAppearances
BarefootBetsy writes about how worrying about what others think affects our parenting on Dare to Disciple. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreUnderstanding The Nature of Children
Discipleship Parenting writes about Understanding the Nature of Children in which she looks at what the Bible says about the nature of infants and children and what our response to them should be. Dulce de Leche also writes about the sin nature of babies in Sons of Adam Daughters of Eve. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd…
Read MoreBiblical Perspectives on Spanking
Ordained Minister( and Parenting and Relationship expert) Thomas Haller has written an article with Chick Moorman called, Biblical Perspectives on Spanking in which they take a closer look at the typical verses which are considered to command parents to spank. Samuel Martin’s book, Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me, also studies those verses,…
Read MoreAnalyzing the Schatz Tragedy
Cindy, from Under Much Grace, analyzes what causes people like Kevin and Elizabeth Schatz to harm their children in a new series: Why Good People Make Dangerous Choices (Pondering Pearl and Lydia Schatz) An Introduction Part I: Virtue In Place of Unquestioned Obedience. Part II: How Dehumanization (and Declaring War Against Family Members) Causes Moral…
Read MoreWhy Do People Blame the Pearls?
This post by Elizabeth Esther was written in Feb of 2010 as a response to the Schatz Tragedy. It is a great post for sharing as it contains a careful explanation of the Pearls’ teachings and how they relate to Lydia’s death as well as her own personal testimony. A link to this post can…
Read MoreGentle Discipline 102
So, if we should not spank our children, how then should we discipline them? We have started looking at gentle discipline. Purple Kangaroo has a long post explaining her methods of Handling Hitting and Hurtful Words. So, what about time outs? Are they a good tool? The Peaceful Housewife looks at that in To The…
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