Gentle Discipline 102
So, if we should not spank our children, how then should we discipline them? We have started looking at gentle discipline.
Purple Kangaroo has a long post explaining her methods of Handling Hitting and Hurtful Words.
So, what about time outs? Are they a good tool? The Peaceful Housewife looks at that in To The Time Out Corner .
The Peaceful Housewife recommends that you take a look at this post from Adventures in Mommyhood called What Is Gentle Discipline Anyways? It is part testimony and part What Gentle Discipline is NOT. We will be watching for a follow up post of What Gentle Discipline IS in the near future.
I would also like to mention Dulce de Leche’s post about showing grace instead of punishments called, Wha’cha Gonna Do About It? in which she looks at the question of whether we should “let them get away with it.” She shares a very touching example in this post.