Update on Williams Court Case
The Williams Court Case is in the news again. This story in The Komo News reviews what happened to Hana Alemu “Williams” and how charges came to be filed over a year ago and brings us up to date with where the case stands now. For more info about this case, please see my Hana Amelu “Williams tag.
According to this news story:
Hana’s death also plays a prominent role in a new report ordered by the governor’s office on the severe abuse of adopted children. The state doesn’t do any background checks or home checks on international or private adoptions, and is looking into standardizing those procedures.
The report referenced can be found here, but remember that as it discusses this case and other severe abuse cases, it is probably not for the faint of heart.
I do not have the recently released DSHS report, but I do have the very disturbing sheriff’s report which was released last year.