Hana and The Pearls in The Seattle Times

Jeff Hodson of the Seattle Times provides extensive coverage of the death of Hana Alemu “Williams” as well as the Pearls’ teachings in Did Hana’s parents ‘train’ her to death?  I am grateful to see  this blog mentioned and linked to  in this article.  Letters to the editor regarding that article are here.


  1. Joanna Wheeler on November 28, 2011 at 2:41 pm

    Hi. I would like to ask you if there is a legal way to make them pay for their teachings. Obviously there is a first amendment privilege situation but what about a class action suit ? There has to be a way. Any ideas?

    • Hermana Linda on November 28, 2011 at 3:02 pm

      As I mentioned in this post, there does seem to be a law firm looking into that idea. However, my goal is really just to warn people away from their teachings and to provide arguments against those teachings. Their beliefs are sincerely held religious beliefs and when we abridge the right to express sincerely held religious beliefs we start down a slippery slope.

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