Posts Tagged ‘Nancy Campbell’
Do The Newsboys Promote Corporal Punishment?
Dulce De Leche explains the ties that the contemporary Christian music group, The Newsboys has to the Patriarchy/Quiverfull/Stay-At-Home-Daughters movement in Why I Burned My Newsboys CDs. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreWhy Blame The Pearls At All? – Part 2
Yesterday I looked at the question of what the Pearls’ teachings had to do with the death of Lydia Schatz. Today I will look at the deaths of Sean Paddock and Hana Williams. Lydia died as a direct result of her parents following the Pearls’ teachings, but that was not the case with Sean and…
Read MoreDolly Mama
Since yesterday’s post was about Patriocentricity and I have this link which mentions Debi Pearl, I might as well share it. Dolly Mama writes about some parallels she sees between the FLDS movement and the patriocentric movement in Escape, FLDS, and some parallels. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
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