Posts Tagged ‘quiverfull’
Video About Growing Up Under Gothard’s and Pearl’s Teachings
Kristiana Minor is interviewed by Chris Shelton in the long but very worthwhile video, Growing Up Quiverfull – The Duggar’s Destructive Cult. Because this video is over an hour long, I will provide an outline with times so you can skip to the parts you wish to watch. You can also read Kristiana’s story by…
Read MoreDo The Duggars Promote The Pearls’ Teachings?
I was recently told that it is unfair of us to group the lovely Duggar Family with the likes of the Pearls and the Quiverfull Movement. I always try to be fair so I have done some research. On this page you will find Proof that the Duggars Promote the Pearls’ Teachings. You can use…
Read MoreChristianity Today Reviews Quivering Daughters
Christianity Today reviews Quivering Daughters, the book about the Quiverfull Movement by Hillary McFarland. This article also shares some other links about the Stay At Home Daughters movement. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreNovel About the Quiverful Movement
The Christian Century has an article called, A Quiver Full of Controversy, about Meg Moseley’s recently published novel, “When Sparrows Fall.” For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreBetrothal
Eric M. Pazdziora writes about the Bondage of Betrothal at Quivering Daughters. This is a very good explanation of why the Courtship and Betrothal Movement is not Biblical. In response, Sister Lisa, at Soul Liberty Faith, writes about Betrothal and the Works of The Flesh in which she discusses how her family approached the concept…
Read MoreAnalyzing the Schatz Tragedy
Cindy, from Under Much Grace, analyzes what causes people like Kevin and Elizabeth Schatz to harm their children in a new series: Why Good People Make Dangerous Choices (Pondering Pearl and Lydia Schatz) An Introduction Part I: Virtue In Place of Unquestioned Obedience. Part II: How Dehumanization (and Declaring War Against Family Members) Causes Moral…
Read MoreSeries on First Time Obedience
Cindy of Under Much Grace has posted part 5 of her series about First Time Obedience: Revisiting First Time Obedience: Finding New Alternatives For your convenience I will paste here the links to the rest of the series along with her descriptions: ►First Time Obedience Introduction The Selfish Sin of Shyness A review of the…
Read MoreMore Blog Posts About Bill Gothard
A Quiver Full of Information has a bunch of new posts about Bill Gothard. Here are the ones I find most interesting: Shadowspring’s testimony: Bill Gothard has negativley affected my life…. Bill Gothard has negativley affected my life part 2 More about Webster in this post from, Cultish Christian Leader Teaches Women Should Submit…
Read MoreTesting the Spirit of Quiverfull
Kristen Rosser has started a series over at NLQ called, Testing the Spirit of Quiverfull. I think this checklist of sorts actually pertains to all Patriarchy teachings. This is good reading for someone who is dabbling with Quiverfull/Patriarchy and thinking that they can separate the “meat from the bones.” These posts are written specifically for…
Read MoreA Quiver Full of Information
A Quiver Full of Information offers “The Who, What, Why of the Quiverfull Movement & Lifestyle.” The intro says: This site aims to collect information on all aspects of the burgeoning Christian “Quiverfull” movement. The information is presented in neutral environment. The opinions expressed in the documents are those of the author and not of…
Read MoreAn Exposé of the Courtship & Betrothal Movements
I tended to think that the Patriarchy Movement and the Quiverfull Movement were pretty much the same thing, but I was wrong. The Quiverfull movement falls under Patriarchy or Patriocentric teachings, but not everyone in those movements is Quiverfull. There is also the Courtship and Betrothal Movements which do allow the limiting children, but are…
Read MoreThe Burden of Legalism
Rach at the Incorrigible Gingers posts about the Burdens legalistic teachers are placing on the Believers’ backs. Speaking of Legalism, there is an interesting article at NLQ about Why the Quiverfull Movement is called Legalistic? . For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreBethany Breaks Free
Bethany Basset, of Coffee Stained Clarity, reflects on the sadness she feels at finding out that her high school friends are following the Pearls’ teachings. I see that Bethany was raised in the VF/Patriarchy mindset. She posts her story in 5 parts: The Preface: The Stuff of Brains Part 1: The Net Part 2: The…
Read MoreTestimonies from No Longer Quivering Moms
No Longer Quivering has a new series called Steadfast Daughters in a Quivering World. Part 4 of this series is Acknowledgment & Apologies which could be considered testimonies of the damage done by the quiverfull mindset. Part 5: Confessions of a Quiverfull Hero and Part 6: Soul Binding are long testimonies about how raising children…
Read MoreSeries about Patriarchy
E. Stephen Burnett has a teaching about the problems with Patriarchy in a 5 part series called, Sins Of The ‘Patriarchs’. Interesting to me is that with all the words he has written about patriarchy, he never mentions spanking or harsh discipline. He does mention control, but not the physical aspect (unless I’m misremembering.) This…
Read MoreSeries about Vision Forum
Sue Talbert at A Mother’s Heart Blog is writing a very interesting series called Vision Forum, Patriarchy and FLDS, Oh My! In part 1 she explains how she came to find Vision Forum and read one of their books. She starts describing some objections to their teachings. In Part 2 she expands on their teachings…
Read MoreSo Much More Than a Maiden Of Virtue
Wondering One is telling her story, I Am So Much More Than A Maiden Of Virtue, over at No Longer Quivering. In Chapter 3 she shares how her parents discovered Michael and Debi Pearl’s book To Train up a Child. If you start at chapter 1 and then read chapter 2 and chapter 3 you…
Read MoreTanja Cilia from Times of Malta
I found a blog entry in The Times of Malta by Tanja Cilia. I am linking to it because it contains a mention of the Pearls and their teaching in what appears to be a mainstream newspaper site. This means that now the good folks of Malta have been warned about the Pearls teachings. This…
Read MoreDon’t Train Your Child to Be a Train Wreck
Mary Thatcher reacts to a story (to which I linked on Oct 13, 2010) in Don’t Train Your Child to Be a Train Wreck. Her argument against the Pearls’ teachings was posted in the Health and Wellness section of from Yahoo. These warnings are getting into the mainstream more and more often. For your…
Read MorePatriarchy
I have 2 interesting book reviews for 2 books that were recently published about the patriarchy movement. I do not think that the Pearls are directly involved in this movement, but their names to tend to come up and it appears that Debi Pearl was interviewed for the first book: Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy…
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