Discussing Pearl on “The View” and NY Times Story Spawns
ABC News has a story called Child’s Death Raises Questions About Biblical Disciplinary Teachings which includes testimony of someone who was raised under Pearls’ teachings and how it affected her under a video of the discussion of Pearls’ teachings on the View.
The NY Times story has spawned many blog posts and articles. Most of them are just brief summaries so I will not bother to link, but a number of them are worth a look.
Amy Graff of the San Francisco Chronicle posts Godly spanking turned deadly: Is a Tennessee pastor to blame?
Lorraine Dusky posts on the First Mother forum, Adopted children killed by their parents as they “train” them .
Gwen Dewar, Ph.D. of Baby Center posts Deadly abuse inspired by preacher’s “training” manual?
Koa Beck of Mommyish posts Parents Demand Abusive Childrearing Book Be Pulled From Amazon.
Allison Summers of The Christian Post posts Texas Judge ‘Beating Video,’ Child Rearing Book Spur Debate on Discipline Versus Child Abuse
and to balance it out they also published Evangelical Preacher Defends Child Training Methods Reportedly Linked to Deaths by Luiza Oleszczuk.
Margaret Hartman of Jezebel posts Pastor Still Advocates Using ‘The Rod’ After Third Child Dies
C.L. Dyck of Scita Scienda gives her Thoughts on the New York Times and Mike Pearl.
David Usborne of the New Zealand Herald posts Focus on preacher after children die.
There is an interesting discussion on the NY Times article in the Snopes.com forum. (If linking to this thread in anyway violates any forum rules, please message me at hermanalinda@whynottrainachild.com)
Tony W. Cartledge of Baptist Today News Journal posts Spare the hose?
The Week.com summarizes the debate using many of the previous links in To Train Up A Child: The book that’s leading parents to kill?
Yep, the news is really going mainstream and people are talking about it, which makes for some Intense Conversations as Leslie in Costa Rica discovered and posted about on her blog, Real Child Development.
Wow…..this is finally getting a lot of press.
About time.