Williams Trial – Day 1: Opening Statements
Maureen starts her report today with a warning for prospective witnesses and all jurors to abstain from reading her blog. I must agree with her and include this blog in that restriction. There is a LOT here which is off limits for witnesses and jurors, and it is best to err on the side of caution.
She then went on to discuss the courts reaction to her blog which must have given her quite the adrenaline rush. I can only imagine. Then the motions of the morning and on to the opening statements.
I will now make a disclaimer that the sensitive should probably not read the opening statements. In fact, the entire case is very upsetting. This case is a very upsetting and disturbing case and not for the faint of heart. For that reason, I will attempt to keep you up to date without giving you the gory details.
The Prosecution gave opening statements in which they outlined the deplorable treatment of Hana and Immanuel. They started out treating them fine but when their behavior did not meet the Williams’ standards, they escalated their treatment from bad to worse. Their punishments were cruel and abusive by pretty much anyone’s definition.
Carri’s Defense Lawyer made opening statements in which he explained how Carrie had tried to get Hana back into the house and warmed up but was unable to. While admitting that her discipline was excessive, he asked if it was “substantial bodily harm.” I’m not positive, but I believe that means that he was questioning if it was the discipline which caused her death. As I understand it, that is the real question. He then went on to respond to many of the prosecution’s points.
Larry’s Defense Lawyer described Larry’s role in the family and how the family worked. They had a large family and a lot of rules. They were starting to doubt the effectiveness of spanking as it did not seem to be working during the last year as the two adopted children had become very oppositional. She went on to discuss the issues of knowing Hana’s exact age and blamed Hana’s weight loss on medical issues beyond the Williams’ control.
A large part of Larry’s defense seems to be that he was not around that much and that Carrie was in charge of most of the running of the house while he was working to provide for the family. He was not even home the night that Hana was dying. Oh, and he gave them ice cream once. That was apparently a very important point since she reminded them of that again at the end as she urged them to find him not guilty.
Now, here are some news stories about the trial today. Again, these links are not for the faint of heart.
Trial begins for couple accused of starving adopted daughter on King 5.
Trial begins for parents accused of killing adoptive daughter on Komo News.