The Williams Trial – Day 28: Jury Deliberation Issues
I totally did not expect any more drama in this trial until the verdict was reached but I was wrong. One of the jurors disclosed that his wife works for the Prosecutor’s office during Jury Selection and both attorneys were fine with it then and accepted him. Today, he was asked to be Presiding Juror and he declined, saying that it made him uncomfortable. Then the Defense decided that they no longer wanted him on the jury and he was asked to leave. A new juror has been selected from the alternates and the 2.5 hours they had deliberated is now lost, as they need to start all over with the new juror.
Here is the story in the Skagit Valley Herald. The jury then asked to hear the 911 call and interview again.
Here is the story on King 5.
Maureen explains how to follow the trial in real time on Twitter.
At 4:30 PDT, the jurors were sent home for the weekend.
[…] I purchased the first edition of To Train Up A Child and was highly disturbed by what I read. To give you some understanding of the contents of this book, here is a portion of my post entitled Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child and a Trip to Home Depot. […]