Posts Tagged ‘KiroTV’
The Williams Trial: Day 30 – The Sentence
Tuesday October 29, 2013, the Williams were sentenced to prison for a very long time. Carri has been sentenced for 37 years and Larry for almost 28 years. Maureen was there and shares about it here. You might also find this older post of interest, she wrote it the day before the sentencing. Cindy Kunsman,…
Read MoreLarry Williams’ Lawyers Still Trying
According to recent news stories, Larry Williams’ Lawyers are trying to get him a new trial and/or a short sentence. The sentencing is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 29, 2013. Here is the story in the Skagit Valley Herald which discusses them requesting a new trial. (Clicking on this story will add a cookie to your…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 29: The Verdict
Monday, September 9, 2013 the jury returned the verdict. Carri Williams was found guilty of homicide by abuse and first-degree assault of a child. Larry Williams was found guilty of first-degree manslaughter and first-degree assault of a child. There was no verdict on homicide by abuse charge for Larry. The jury was unable to agree…
Read MoreThe Williams Trial – Day 27: Closing Arguments End, Jury Deliberation Starts
Thursday, September 5, 2013, saw Carri Williams defense team giving closing arguments and the Prosecution’s rebuttal. Then the jury was sent out for deliberation and the No Contact Order for Larry, Carri and their 2 adult sons was lifted. According to a tweet by Gina Cole, Dependency court will decide on dissolution of or limits on no-contact…
Read MoreThe Williams Trial – Day 26: Closing Arguments Start
Today, Wednesday, Sept 4, 2013 the Prosecutor and Defense for Larry Williams gave their closing arguments. As always, anything to do with this trial has a serious *trigger warning* and the closing arguments are no exception. In fact, I can’t stress enough how disturbing this whole thing is. I am having a hard time figuring out…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 25: Testimony of Carri Williams (3rd Day)
Friday, August 30, 2013 was disturbing for me. *Those easily triggered should stop reading now*. Carri’s testimony was about Hana’s last night alive. Carri Williams actually said that she believes that Hana unintentionally killed herself. I know that I am not the only one who is disturbed by this. Here is the story in the…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 24: Testimony of Carri Williams (2nd Day)
Thursday August 30, 2013 saw yet another expert witness testifying that Hana had to be at around 15. This time it was a radiologist who analyzed xrays of Hana’s bones, according to this article from King 5. Then Carri Williams returned to the stand to be cross examined. She testified that Larry never ordered her to…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 23: Testimony of Carri Williams (1st Day)
On Wednesday, August 28, 2013, finished his testimony in which he said that his wife came up with many of the ideas for the children’s punishments and he did not remember about the rest. He also testified that they did not spank Immanuel until they thought that he could understand the rules. Then Larry stepped…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 22: Testimonies of Joshua and Larry Williams
Tuesday August 27, 2013 saw both Joshua and Larry Williams take the stand. Maureen covers both stories in great detail in 2 separate posts. Here is Maureen’s post about Joshua who is the Williams oldest child. He is 19 or 20 and is in the Army, serving in Korea. His testimony was focused on if…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 21: Cousin’s Testimony Stricken
In case anyone has noticed the change in my numbering, I thought I should explain. I started off numbering the first day of Jury Selection as Day 1 but since noticed that all the media was referring to the day of Opening Statements as Day 1. This causes confusion and I decided to change to…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 19: More Forensic Dentistry
Thursday, August 22, 2013 was devoted to trying to figure out Hana’s age. If the jury believes her to be 16, they cannot charge Larry and Carri Williams with Homocide by Abuse, a charge which only applies to children under the age of 16. Earlier the Prosecution called a Forensic Dentist who could not…
Read MoreWilliams -Trial Day 18: Testimony of Immanuel’s Foster Mother
Wed, August 21,2013 saw Immanuel’s foster mother on the stand. KiroTV has that story (not for the sensitive.) Interestingly, Defense brought up that Imanuel had been abusive towards the foster mother’s daughter. I guess they are trying to prove that he is just a bad child, but what they really proved is that he was…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 17: Carri’s Interview With The Sheriff
As usual the testimony for Tuesday, Aug 20, 2013 is not for the sensitive. The sheriff who interviewed Carri just hours after Hana’s death took the stand and played a recording of the interview. Carri was not emotional and the big headline of the day is that she blamed Hana for her own death. She…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 16: Last Day of Immanuel’s Testimony
Monday, August 19, 2013, was the last day of Immanuel William’s testimony. He did such a great job in a very difficult situation and those of us watching are very proud of him. The defense attorneys clarified with him that he sometimes had warm showers inside and did not take ALL his meals outside. Wow,…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 15: Testimony of Joseph Williams
Today, August 16, 2013, Joseph Williams (16) took the stand. He had a really hard time remembering things and got very emotional. Testifying against their parents is so very hard for these children. This is where I see a big difference between the Williams parents and the Schatz parents. The Schatz parents accepted a…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 14: Testimony of Jacob Williams
Early this morning the Skagit Valley Herald posted a new and very informative article about yesterday’s testimony which I added to yesterday’s post. Today, August 15, 2013, saw one of the 2 eldest sons of the Williams on the stand. Kiro TV has the story. Jacob Williams (18) might have given the most condemning testimony…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 13: A Juror Is Dismissed and Torture Expert
This morning (Wed Aug 14, 2013) the witness was Dr. Katherine Porterfield, a New York City-based doctor who works with torture and trauma victims. They sent the jury out after one hour as explained in this article in the Skagit Valley Herald. For more about today, please check out Gina Cole’s Twitter Feed. Edited to…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 12: Immanuel Testifies for the 5th Time
Today, Tuesday, Aug 13, 2013, Immanuel was back in court after a 3 day break. There was no court session on Monday, in case anyone was wondering. The defense attorneys continue to play hard ball with poor Immanuel, which is very upsetting. Here is the story on Kiro TV. Also, Maureen has a post about…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 11: Testimony from Hana’s Biological Cousin
Today I would like to reflect on why we are following this trial. It is because the Williams were Pearl Followers. Their 7 biological children were all raised by the Pearl method and Carri was very happy and confident in this method being the best for everyone. I know this from reading on the Remembrance…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 9: Testimony of Williams Son
The Skagit Valley Herald reports on the court session of Aug 7, 2013. It is pretty much more of the same. The only new info seems to be that Carri would play the audio Bible for Hana while she was locked in the closet in an effort to change her thinking. I don’t even know…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 8: Testimony of Williams Daughter Continues
The Skagit Valley Herald report for the morning of Tues Aug 6, is not for the faint of heart. One of the biological daughters describes exactly what happened on the night that Hana died and I believe that her testimony is going to turn out to be very instrumental in proving that Carri guilty of homicide…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 7: Testimony of Williams Daughter
Today, Monday, August 5, 2013, two of the Williams’ biological daughters testified according to the Skagit Valley Herald. One of them testified that the biological children were punished the same way as the adopted children were and that she never saw marks on their bodies from the spankings. The girls confirmed many of the details…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 6: Testimony of Torture Expert
The Skagit Valley Herald reports on Friday’s Court Session in the Williams’ Case. Please be aware that this is very hard to read and steel yourself before reading. If you are sensitive to abuse triggers, you might want to forgo this link as well as the rest of the links in this blog post. Here…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 5: Second Day of Immanuel’s Testimony
Komo News reports on what happened in court on August 1, 2013. Immanuel gives more testimony of the horrid and dehumanizing treatment he suffered in the Williams home. I must note that while the article says that the Williams have 3 biological children who did not suffer the same abuse, the truth is that they…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 2: First Day of Immanuel’s Testimony
Yesterday, Monday July 29th, was Immanuel’s first day of testimony. He is scheduled for 3 half days. Here are the reports I have found so far for that day. Komo News reports on Immanuel’s testimony. Also, someone who apparently knows the family attempts to explain what happened in this comment. Edited to note that the…
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