I Was Wrong to Tell You to Stop Spanking Your Kid: An Open Letter of Apology…

I was wrong. You heard it here first. That time. At the mall. You hit your kid and I told you it wouldn’t help anything and asked you to stop. That was really dumb. Not because I’ve changed my mind and decided we should hit kids, but because I know better. That approach I took…

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It’s Not Just About Spanking Children, It’s About Breaking Children

Former Pearl follower Becky, from Created To Be His, shares a letter she wrote explaining her concerns with the Pearls and their teachings.  In this letter she also explains what these teachings have to do with the death of Lydia Schatz and includes quotes from the book. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit

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Another Letter To A Pastor About Spanking

Dulce de Leche shares a letter someone wrote to her pastor about her experiences with spanking and why she does not believe it should be preached from the pulpit.  She shares her testimony of what it was like to be spanked and how it effected her.  She also looks at the blurred distinction between spanking…

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Concerns About The Pearls

The letter I sent to my pastor about the Pearls. By MarynMunchkins Dear ***, This morning’s message was wonderful.  I love how you bring grace and mercy into every message, and call legalism and self-righteous behavior what it is.  It’s truly a blessing to listen. Unfortunately, my husband had an experience this week which was…

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