Posts Tagged ‘research studies’
Science and Spanking
So, there have been some new studies lately regarding spanking. While I realize that many Christians don’t give a fig what the scientists say, many do and I thought it might be helpful to link to some articles about these studies. Here is an article from Scientific American. Here is an article from IFL Science. I…
Read MoreThere’s More To This Than Meets The Eye
Perhaps you have heard of Rachel Dolezal, she has been in the media a lot lately. She recently resigned from her posistion as NAACP leader after her parents informed the media that she was white. I had a feeling that there was something behind this all that we didn’t know, so I was not very surprised to find…
Read MoreRefuting Pearl’s Analysis of Spanking Studies
In a recent post, I shared discussion of an addition to To Train Up A Child by Michael Pearl. There is an exerpt from the chapter on the No Greater Joy website. In this article, Michael Pearl refutes studies which have shown spanking children to be harmful and shares the results of some other studies…
Read MoreDiscussing the new chapter of TTUAC
The Gentle Christian Mothers are discussing NGJ’s New Addition to “To Train Up a Child.” It seems that for their 21st anniversary edition, No Greater Joy has added a new chapter to the book which attempts to refute studies which showing spanking to be detrimental to children. Of course, the moms at Gentle Christian Mothers have found…
Read MoreA person’s a person no matter how small.
Sarah has graciously allowed me to host this most excellent post. ********************************************************************* Aha. Welcome to my long winded “Why I don’t believe in spanking” post. You will soon find that spanking isn’t the whole issue with me. I don’t believe in punishment at all (GASP!). ‘Course permissiveness can be unhealthy as well, so I am setting…
Read MoreI Was Wrong to Tell You to Stop Spanking Your Kid: An Open Letter of Apology…
I was wrong. You heard it here first. That time. At the mall. You hit your kid and I told you it wouldn’t help anything and asked you to stop. That was really dumb. Not because I’ve changed my mind and decided we should hit kids, but because I know better. That approach I took…
Read MoreChild Abuse in Germany
Jennifer Stahl has been explaining about child abuse going on in German churches on her Blog, Yeshua Hineni. In this post she writes about the Pearl’s book To Train Up A Child which, while not being sold, is available “under the table.” She Translates and transcribes a video about the concerns one woman has for…
Read MoreSteph Needs Input From Parents
Steph is a graduate student working on her Master’s thesis on the topic of corporal punishment. If you are a parent, please consider helping her by taking this survey. By taking this survey, I hereby give my consent to participate in the following research study conducted by Steph. I understand that my participation in this…
Read MoreWhy Liz BR Does Not Spank
Liz Boltz Ranfeld explains why she and her husband Don’t Spank Their Kid in a well thought out post. She has 5 main reasons which are fleshed out and explained. 1) Her child’s personality 2) Research 3) Occasional spanking so often turns into frequent spanking. 4) She’s not allowed to hit another adult; why should…
Read MoreSarah’s Arguments Against Spanking
Sarah explains why she does not believe in spanking in a well researched and chatty post entitled, A person’s a person no matter how small. She also answers some common arguments for spanking with counter arguments, which many will find helpful. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreA Look At The Spanking Controversy in Canada
The United Church Observer has published an article called, To Spank Or Not to Spank, by Sarah Boesveld about the spanking controversy in Canada. While I am glad that the United Church of Canada has taken a public stand against spanking, I do not link to this as Christian arguments, but of interest as a…
Read MoreNew Study Puts Spanking In The News
A new study showing that spanking damages children has put spanking back into the news. This article in the San Francisco Chronicle about this new study mentions Michael Pearl. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreDoes It Really Mean What You Think It Means?
Teresa from Teresa’s Whine And Cheese takes a good look at claims that Kids Today Are Worse Then they Used To Be in Correlation, causation, and the proof in the pudding. Pastor Tim of Way Point Church discusses discerning the Biblical view in Biblical Christianity in which he states “[The Pearls’] claim to have a…
Read MoreWhere Did Pearl Say This?
In this interview in the National Post, Pearl is quoted as saying: But, I have said many times, when a spanking is not working, stop doing it. There are times when children become so emotionally torn that they have ceased all cognitive activity. Spanking is then counterproductive. Frankly, I don’t recall him every saying that. …
Read MoreThe “Ministry” of The Pearls
Marianna Klebanov, has an article in the San Mateo Parenting Examiner about The “Ministry” of Michael and Debi Pearl. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
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