Posts Tagged ‘shepherd’s staff’
A person’s a person no matter how small.
Sarah has graciously allowed me to host this most excellent post. ********************************************************************* Aha. Welcome to my long winded “Why I don’t believe in spanking” post. You will soon find that spanking isn’t the whole issue with me. I don’t believe in punishment at all (GASP!). ‘Course permissiveness can be unhealthy as well, so I am setting…
Read MoreTo Condition Up A Child?
Michael Pearl says that his teachings are Biblical. Lee Woofenden does not agree and he explains why in his post, To Train Up A Child, or: Spare the Rod? What Rod? This is a long article and worth the read. He points out, among other things, that Mr. Pearl is actually teaching parents to condition their children…
Read MoreWould Jesus spank?
Flowermama looks at the question, “Would Jesus Spank?” As she looks at the Character of God as revealed in Scripture, her answer is, no. Of course, she does touch on the Rod of Proverbs. Speaking of the Proverbial Rod, Tia Lynn looks at the question, Are The Rod Verses Literal or Figurative? Excellent post, I…
Read MoreIs It Ok To Spank Video
Mark Brown has posted a video on YouTube called, Is it ok to spank your child? What does the Bible say? He takes a close look at Proverbs 13:24 and explores whether he should spank his child. He concludes that he should not which got him a lot if very negative comments. For your sharing…
Read MoreTaking The Rod Verses Literally
The Hippie Housewife looks at The Rod Verses in a 3 part series which I highly recommend: The Rod Verses: Taking the rod verses literally The Rod Verses: Taking other Proverbs literally The Rod Verses: What are they really saying? Also, Theology Today explains the Rod Verses in Spanking Hurts Everybody By Robert R.…
Read MoreBiblical Perspectives on Spanking
Ordained Minister( and Parenting and Relationship expert) Thomas Haller has written an article with Chick Moorman called, Biblical Perspectives on Spanking in which they take a closer look at the typical verses which are considered to command parents to spank. Samuel Martin’s book, Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me, also studies those verses,…
Read MoreDeb’s Review of TTUAC – Part 3
Deb has posted the 3rd and final part of her review of Michael Pearl’s book, To Train Up A Child. In this post she looks at how Pearl prevented “sissies” and trained his children to always be happy. She also looks at what he teaches about the rod. She says that what Pearl teaches about…
Read MoreA Study of “Spanking” Scriptures
Discipleship Parenting has started a series of Biblical evidence against spanking in, Rightly Dividing the Word: A Study of “Spanking” Scriptures. She has also posted 2 addendums to her Letters to Dobson: Addendum to “Grace” Handling Disputes Biblically For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
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