Deb’s Review of TTUAC – Part 3
Deb has posted the 3rd and final part of her review of Michael Pearl’s book, To Train Up A Child. In this post she looks at how Pearl prevented “sissies” and trained his children to always be happy. She also looks at what he teaches about the rod. She says that what Pearl teaches about persistence bothered her the most. I totally understand that. It is exactly this emphasis on persistence which I suspect killed Lydia Schatz.
For your convenience, here are Part 1 and Part 2 and here is the Intro.
Thank you for posting these. I am just wondering why there hasn’t been any legal action taken against the Pearls for child abuse and/or promoting child abuse? I would think that there would be more than enough evidence to prosecute them. What can we do to alert the feds, gov, dcfs to this. And how do we fight to get their book off the market? I just don’t want any more precious children to be hurt or murdered because these mentally ill people!
We are praying that the Schatz Trial will be the beginning of this.
Update: The trial has been canceled. At least they were mentioned on 20/20’s episode on the IFB Cult Churches on Friday April 8, 2011.