Posts Tagged ‘exposé’
Letter to a family considering ATI
Robin shares her experiences with ATI (Bill Gothard’s teachings) in this Letter She Wrote to a Family Considering ATI. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreA Former Trinity Baptist Insider and the 20/20 IFB Story
Bob Bixby has posted a statement from Laura Moody, Formally from Trinity Baptist Church, about her relationship with those involved with the scandal featured in the 20/20 story about abuse in some IFB churches. Read the comments for more hashing out of details. Bob Bixby also has a post addressing Brian Fuller’s comments in that…
Read MoreSpanking Infants???
Elizabeth Esther posted about the 20/20 exposé of abuse in some IBF churches and interprets Pastor Brian Fuller’s remarks. She explains the teaching of first time obedience and how common the spanking of infants really in these churches. By the way, some of the comments of this blog post seem to have inside information in…
Read MoreDeb’s Review of TTUAC – Part 3
Deb has posted the 3rd and final part of her review of Michael Pearl’s book, To Train Up A Child. In this post she looks at how Pearl prevented “sissies” and trained his children to always be happy. She also looks at what he teaches about the rod. She says that what Pearl teaches about…
Read MoreDeb’s Review of TTUAC – Part 2
The the Wartburg Watch is finding their discussion of To Train Up A Child so interesting that they have already published part 2 of their book review. In this post she takes a quick look at Pearl’s credentials and then explains his training advice with many quotes from the book. She promises to look at…
Read MoreMore Blog Posts About Bill Gothard
A Quiver Full of Information has a bunch of new posts about Bill Gothard. Here are the ones I find most interesting: Shadowspring’s testimony: Bill Gothard has negativley affected my life…. Bill Gothard has negativley affected my life part 2 More about Webster in this post from, Cultish Christian Leader Teaches Women Should Submit…
Read MoreThe Secretive World of Bill Gothard
Wilkyjr, who appears to have ties to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has written an exposé on Bill Gothard’s teachings after a copy of one of his secret text books fell into his hands. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreLooking at Bill Gothard
Dulce de Leche has shared some memories of Bill Gothard’s seminars and how his teachings affected her during her formative years in, Peering Underneath the Umbrella: Musings on Gothardism. This is an exposé as well as a testimony as she gives us an inside look at Gothard’s teachings. Speaking of Bill Gothard, E. Stephen Burnett…
Read MoreSpeaking Out Against Patriarchy
Here is Rebecca Diamond’s testimony and explanation of what she has against Patriarchy. Note to the easily offended: she does give this post a PG-13 rating. And here is an exposé of the dark underbelly of the Father and Daughter Retreat offered by Vision forum. This is not for the faint of heart. For your…
Read MoreAn Exposé of the Courtship & Betrothal Movements
I tended to think that the Patriarchy Movement and the Quiverfull Movement were pretty much the same thing, but I was wrong. The Quiverfull movement falls under Patriarchy or Patriocentric teachings, but not everyone in those movements is Quiverfull. There is also the Courtship and Betrothal Movements which do allow the limiting children, but are…
Read MoreCreated to be his Help Meet – A Review (sort of).
Created to be his Help Meet – A Review (sort of) is an exposé of Created To Be His Help Meet. He does a very good job of responding to the problematic parts of this book with Biblical corrections. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreSecular Homeschooling Magazine
The homeschooling movement is taking notice of the Pearls. Secular Homeschooling is a rather large magazine and they have written an exposé of the Pearls and their teachings. She looks at all aspects of the Pearls and gives some advice on how to respond when offered the book at a homeschool gathering. To Train Up…
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