A Former Trinity Baptist Insider and the 20/20 IFB Story
Bob Bixby has posted a statement from Laura Moody, Formally from Trinity Baptist Church, about her relationship with those involved with the scandal featured in the 20/20 story about abuse in some IFB churches. Read the comments for more hashing out of details.
Bob Bixby also has a post addressing Brian Fuller’s comments in that episode of 20/20 and his subsequent blog post. Again, more details are hashed out in the comments.
In an effort to be fair, he links to the Other Side of the Story and discusses the hows and whys of Blaming the Victim.
Under Much Grace reminds us that the 20/20 story “failed to make any mention of the abuses that took place at the IFB’s most infamous boarding house for ‘troubled girls,’ the Hephzibah House of Winona Lake, IN.”
And The Wartburg Watch has a list of suggestions for how churches can better protect the children in their congregations from sexual abuse.
Due to some silly formatting snafu, I deleted the original post above but re-posted the same information at this link:
Because of my deep disappointment in the fact that the 20/20 episode did not even mention Hephzibah House in passing at all, Jocelyn Andersen and I decided to talk about the Shattered Faith episode and use it to open up a two part discussion of the Hephzibah House on Blog Talk Radio on April 16th and 23rd. Our 30 minute show airs at 11AM on a Saturday morning, but you can always listen to the archives on demand.
I understand strict discipline and personal styles of discipline, and some people are more naturally authoritarian than others by virtue of their personalities. What I don’t understand is the use of the Bible to justify abject abuse of women and children while men who should be the epitome of Christian virtue in secular society enjoy liberty to abuse with impunity that they claim to draw from Scripture.
I’m proud of an I encourage all those courageous individuals who have been willing to speak the truth openly about the injustice done in the Name of the Lover of our souls, the kind and good shepherd who cares for women and children with tender loving kindness.