Posts Tagged ‘sleep’
Gentle Nighttime Parenting
Sarah Mae looks at gentle nighttime parenting in Maybe Your Two Year Old Just Needs You. While we’re on the topic of nighttime parenting, here is something Steph from Grace For My Sheep wrote about sleep training. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreAdvice Line: Can You Help These Readers?
I have had 2 solicitations for advice so I’m opening up the advice line. Can anyone help these readers? Marissa Stone asks: Can you give me some advice on teaching honesty to kids? Right now it it feels like I am trying to push a car uphill. Not totally impossible but hard. How can you…
Read MoreAttachment Only By Day? – Part 2
Note from Hermana Linda: This is the continuation of a conversation in the comments of Steph’s article on Attachment Theory. Read Part 1 here. This exchange starts here. Hi Steph, thank you for your kind reply. I totally see your point. I didn’t mention the details on how my child responds when separated. She ofcourse…
Read MoreAttachment Only By Day? – Part 1
Note from Hermana Linda: We appreciate getting comments and read every one. This comment from Jo about Attachment Theory elicited such an insightful response from Steph that I have decided to highlight it here. From my personal experience with my own child, if you provide consistent care and love in meeting the needs of…
Read MoreReflecting the Character of God
The Hippie Housewife discusses how we should reflect the character of God for our children. She looks at how attachment parenting looks a lot like how God cares for us and warns us about 3 heresies which are cropping up in many Christian teachings. Along the same lines, Pearl In Oyster (PIO) explains that we…
Read MoreToo Scared To Sleep
Pearl in Oyster (PIO) shares how her young daughter was Scared Sleepless and why considering the reasons can help us to be patient when our children can’t sleep. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreDamaging Effects of Punishment on Children
GreeneGem explains the damage which was done to her by her mothers trampling on her Boundaries. Speaking of damage, did you know that when babies are left to cry it out, their little bodies are being flooded with Cortisol? Discipleship Parenting looks at what effect that has on them. Meanwhile Pearl, from An Apprenticeship in…
Read MoreComforting Children in the Night
Nighttime parenting is very challenging. We have a very physical need for sleep. It is important to remember that our children have a very real need for comfort and that parenting is a 24 hour a day job. Denying children Comfort in the night can have lasting repercussions as these memories from Discipleship Mothering demonstrate.…
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