
I have been trying to figure out how to use this site.  As you may or may not know, I have moved into this blog from my old website at a time when it was down.  A dear friend helped me to take this step. <3   I have moved my old links over and am trying to arrange them to make them easier to find and use.  Also, as this was meant to be a place to find Christian arguments, I need to decide which links do not serve that purpose and remove them.

It has occurred to me that people who subscribe to my feed do not know when I add a link since I have been adding to existing posts.  Of course, I add them to the Facebook page, but I realize that not everyone has or wants access to that.  😉 Therefore, I have decided to start this blog section.  When I add a new link, I’ll announce it on the blog as well as adding it to the existing post.

Edited to add: I don’t use this blog that way anymore. I now just add new links and use the categories and tags to order them. It took me a while to really understand how to use this site.

Edited to add: I am using the Blog category for anything which does not fall under one of the other categories.

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