Michael & Debi Pearl: Helpful or Harmful? – Pastor Peter Vik
I found this video very well worth the time. They explain their concerns with the teachings of the Pearls and of Bill Gothard very well. Pastor Vik states that he is not against all corporeal punishment, which makes this good to share with pro-spanking Christians who will not consider any arguments from non-spankers. For your…
Read MoreSocial Expectations and Abuse
This article by Claire Roise looks at how society’s views of cigarettes and seat belts have changed over the years and how it would look if abuse followed suit. It is a very interesting article and I recommend it highly. I remember the changes she discusses quite well. (I was an oddball child who insisted on wearing…
Read MoreRemembering Sean
Tulipgirl reminds us that it has been ten years since we lost Sean. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreIs it good parenting to let a baby cry?
It is always so sad to see letting a little baby cry be associated with doing what’s best for the child. Science proves otherwise and so does the Bible. I do not see anywhere in the Bible where it teaches that it is good to let a baby cry. On the contrary, God associates Himself…
Read More“Life with Cerebral Palsy” with Stephanie Cox
Dara Stoltzfus has started a new series about our very own Steph called, “Life with Cerebral Palsy” with Stephanie Cox. Here is what she has so far: Introduction The Chair! Back to School! The Holidays New Things! Love $hopping Ronan the horse For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreAbout Typing With My Nose
What’s on my mind? You know, CP is a very small part of who I am. I am extremely blessed to be alive let alone living an as “normal” as possible life…Something I dreamed about since I was little. I could be profoundly mentally disabled due to no oxygen for 40 minutes at birth. I…
Read MoreKorrine Looks At The Damaging Effects Of Spanking
Korrine Britton explains how the cognitive development of 2 and 3 year olds makes them appear to be lying in Parenting: Two to Three Years. For more from this series which explains the damaging effects of spanking on children through the years, you will want to check out: Parenting: Newborn to 12 months Parenting: 1…
Read MoreIt’s Good To Be Back
So, I guess many of you noticed that this blog was down from Tuesday, November 19 at 1:00 PM PST until today. I’m sorry to disappear without warning, but the truth is that I did not even know about it until 2 hours after it happened. I did notice on Monday the 18th that my…
Read MoreSamuel Martin Explains About Biblical Times
Samuel Martin is trying to help people understand the difference in how people thought in Biblical times and now because this is crucial to understanding the Bible. He discusses Michael’s book, To Train Up A Child in Should we preach? publish?, or proclaim the Gospel – Yes? No? Maybe? He also has a post on Dara…
Read MoreWhy Not Regulate Homeschoolers?
I was asked in the comments to my post, The Beast Look At Homeschooling, why I believe that regulation of homeschooling is a slippery slope and what would be appropriate oversight to prevent abuse. My opinion is that parents are responsible for their children, the state is not. I do not believe that the state…
Read MoreUnexpected Dangers: Crossfit and Lime Juice
Those who are familiar with this blog know that it is possible to spank a child until s/he is overcome by Rhabdomyolysis. This is exactly what killed Lydia Schatz and almost killed her sister, Zariah. Well, it has come to my attention that adults have been known to inflict themselves with Rhabdomyolysis by excessive exercise.…
Read MoreSteph Needs Input From Parents
Steph is a graduate student working on her Master’s thesis on the topic of corporal punishment. If you are a parent, please consider helping her by taking this survey. By taking this survey, I hereby give my consent to participate in the following research study conducted by Steph. I understand that my participation in this…
Read MoreWilliams -Trial Day 18: Testimony of Immanuel’s Foster Mother
Wed, August 21,2013 saw Immanuel’s foster mother on the stand. KiroTV has that story (not for the sensitive.) Interestingly, Defense brought up that Imanuel had been abusive towards the foster mother’s daughter. I guess they are trying to prove that he is just a bad child, but what they really proved is that he was…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 17: Carri’s Interview With The Sheriff
As usual the testimony for Tuesday, Aug 20, 2013 is not for the sensitive. The sheriff who interviewed Carri just hours after Hana’s death took the stand and played a recording of the interview. Carri was not emotional and the big headline of the day is that she blamed Hana for her own death. She…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 15: Testimony of Joseph Williams
Today, August 16, 2013, Joseph Williams (16) took the stand. He had a really hard time remembering things and got very emotional. Testifying against their parents is so very hard for these children. This is where I see a big difference between the Williams parents and the Schatz parents. The Schatz parents accepted a…
Read MoreWilliams Trial – Day 10: Immanuel Testifies for the 4th time (and more links)
The 2 eldest Williams boys will not face charges and will therefore be able to testify, according to an article in today’s Skagit Valley Herald. In another article, the Skagit Valley Herald reports that Immanuel testified today that Carri and the biological children seemed to be laughing at Hana as she stumbled around outside. This…
Read MoreMore Court Cases Involving Abused Adopted Children
I have been watching 2 very sad cases in the news since October 2012. I have not mentioned them before now because neither of them seem to be following any particular extreme teaching. They are both about Christian adoptive parents who apparently tried to control their adoptive children using adversarial parenting and corporal punishment and…
Read MoreSamuel Martin Still Trying To Open Dialog With Pro-Spankers
Samuel Martin continues to try to dialog with pro-spankers. I’m not sure why he is having such a hard time finding someone who will take him up on this challenge. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreHappy World Breastfeeding Week
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I am linking to this excellent post by Hippy Housewife about Breastfeeding, Modesty and the Church. For more about breastfeeding, see my Christian Breastfeeding Links. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreSamuel Martin Wants Women’s Input
In Samuel Martin’s latest blog post: Women’s Intuition and Corporal Punishment: Did you feel intuitively that spanking/smacking your children was wrong? he asks women to go to and give him your input. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MorePunishment
Sarah at Under The Olive Branch shares a very thought provoking quote about punishment. While you are there, check out her love story The Restoration of All Things. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreSeeking Pro-Spankers
Samuel Martin has posted the following on Facebook: I want to connect with fundamentalist Christians advocating spanking kids who are willing to read my book with the view to show me how I am in error in my findings – So far all of the people who I have connected with have yet to give…
Read MoreGiving Thanks
As you probably know, today is the day set aside in the United States for giving thanks to God. Therefore, I would like to devote today’s post to doing just that. First of all, I am very thankful to God for my life and my salvation which He has given me instead of what I…
Read MoreDanger of False Teachers
Every now and then I get a comment telling me that I am assisting the enemy by speaking badly about other Christians. As I said in a recent comment, I do not speak badly about other Christians, I offer Biblical Arguments against False Teachings. And now, Glenn from The Watchman’s Bagpipes, explains why False Teachers…
Read MoreHildebrant’s Word Study of Proverbs 22:6a “To Train Up A Child.”
Here is a link to Ted Hildebrant’s article in the Grace Theological Journal 9.1 (1988) 3-19, Proverbs 22:6a; To Train Up A Child? which analyses what “To Train Up A Child” really means. Here is a short quote from the intro: Careful consideration of lexical and contextual factors suggests that “train up a child in…
Read MoreReview of “Yell and Tell”
The Christian Post has a review of Debi Pearl’s Yell and Tell series. This is a positive review but unlike most I’ve seen, they don’t promote her other books nor link to their website. I wonder if they are aware of the controversy around them. For another opinion on the series, see TulipGirl’s review. Hers…
Read MoreMerry Christmas
Today we celebrate the greatest wonder of all. God came down to Earth, clothed in human flesh in order to pay for our sins. In honor of this day, I would like to share this poem that my sister in Christ wrote. The greatest gift was given so many nights ago, he came to us…
Read MoreHuman Rights Violations from the TSA.
Not that I fly often, but there is no way I would fly now. Have you heard about these atrocities? Were you aware that if you fly, your choices are to go through a scan which lets someone view very graphic scans of your unclothed body (as well as exposing you to radiation) OR allow…
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul Thank you, Lord, for making me whole Thank you, Lord, for giving to me Thy great salvation, so full and free. This old chorus expresses well the first and main reason for my thankfulness. I am also thankful for so much more. I am thankful for my life,…
Read MorePsychology and the Christian Mindset
JeriWho has written a very interesting blog about Psychology and The Fundamentalist Christian at Blog On The Way. Her premise is that while rejecting Psychology for being “atheistic, Darwinistic, and utterly secular,” they tend to embrace behaviorism which is also atheistic and unbliblical. She makes some very good points here and gives much food for…
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