Does Punishment Really Produce Godly Character?

I just found out about the group known as the Assembly under the ministry of George and Betty Geftakys. I had not heard of them before this, but as they were using the teachings of Michael and Debi Pearl (as well as Fugate and Ezzo,) they are of interest.  Apparently, they are another cultic and spiritually abusive group.   In fact, Betty Geftakys had her own pamphet about child training which almost makes the Pearl’s training methods look mild by comparison.

The post I want to highlight today is from Meg, a former member of that group,  and is entitled, Does Discipline Really Produce Godly Character…?


  1. James T Murphy on April 2, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    I just read Margaret’s article on child training. Can only say that any child that does not have structure and discipline in their life is certainly being neglected by their parents. Does holding children responsible for their behavior contribute to their character development? As a father of 4 godly adults I would have to say YES!!

    • Hermana Linda on April 3, 2012 at 11:26 am

      Nobody is arguing against holding children responsible for their behavior. One can certainly impart structure and discipline without being controlling and abusive. There is a lot of middle ground between trying to control a child’s every thought and action and allowing them to grow up without any boundaries or guidance. Welcome to my blog. I have a lot of info here, I’m sure you will find much of interest.

  2. Margaret on December 23, 2010 at 10:32 am

    Thanks for linking to my post on child training. It’s good to get the word out to Christians who mistakenly think that abusive methods are God’s way.

    • Hermana Linda on December 23, 2010 at 11:22 am

      Thank you for writing it. It fits right in with the reason I made this site. I agree that we must get the word out and warn people before they fall into false teachings. It is so much better for everyone if they can be pre-warned and avoid the error. Once they fall into error, getting out is very hard and they are never unscathed. We must do what we can to protect the children who bear the brunt of the fallout.

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