Review of Shepherding A Child’s Heart
Gentle Christian Mothers reviews Shepherding A Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp.
This is the first in a series of posts highlighting the different procedures given by various Christian authors on the proper way to spank. I’m hoping to show that there isn’t a biblical way to spank, but that the views on so-called biblical spanking procedures are man-made and based on cultural assumptions and opinion
She warns her readers not to read on if a description of a spanking would upset them. Sensitive readers, take heed! The spanking described sounds a lot like a Roy Lessin spanking. 🙁 (Another link which sensitive readers will want to avoid.)
Also from Gentle Christian Mothers is Mary’s review of Shepherding A Child’s Heart.
Hi Linda! I’m not a mom but I’ve done my share of baby sitting. I’m passionately anti-spanking. Maybe it’s partially because I’m blind and I could never see a blow coming even though I was never spanked in Pearl, Lessin, Tripp, Dobson or Ezzo fashion. Praise God! Because I’m the only practicing christian in my house, I can’t talk about these things without simply being told, “Well, that’s your opinion.” Do you think GCM might do podcasts? If you’re the one I emailed a couple of weeks ago, sorry. I don’t mean to pester and I certainly never meant for the email to be as long as it was. If you choose to reply, just send it to my email. My screen reader is more cooperative that way. Thanks and God bless.
Linda, I went to the gentle christian mother’s website to join, but it says registration is no longer available or something like that. Do you know anything about that?
Yes, I do. You see, GCM is an intentional community. We limit registration to about one month out of 2 or 3. This gives us time to get used to the newcomers and them time to get used to us before we get another new group. Also, lately we have been getting so many new applicants that we must close it in order to catch up. Each new member is a valued member of our community and we don’t want them to get lost in the shuffle. <3
Meanwhile, join the facebook group. I believe that she will announce it there when she opens. Just to be safe, check back around the 10th of each month. <3
Registration is open! It will probably stay open for the rest of March.
I gave a review of this book on Amazon a couple of years ago. You would not believe the people who came out of the woodwork to correct me! 🙂 It was a little unsettling. I’ve gotten braver since then.