The Death Of Lydia Schatz on Wikipedia
I just found the Wikipedia article on the Death of Lydia Schatz. It seems to be factual. Interestingly, they link to this site. Only, they don’t link to any one post, but to page two of my blog. That doesn’t seem helpful at all, it must be an error. They also have an entry for Michael Pearl which mentions both Lydia Schatz and Sean Paddock. Interesting.
Edited to add: Libby Anne fixed the error as you can see in her comment below. 🙂
I fixed it for you. Anyone can edit Wikipedia. Now it links to the correct page on your site. And I sure do love your site!
Thank you SO much! The last time I tried to link to my own site it told me that I had violated a rule. How they knew it was my site, I don’t remember, but I assume that they have such a rule to prevent spammers.