Text of “To Train Up A Child” Removed

Up until now we have been linking to http://www.achristianhome.org/to_train_up_a_child.htm in order to find the entire content of the book “To Train Up A Child” by Michael and Debi Pearl.  This allowed us to verify quotes and keep them in context.  But now the site owner has removed the text of the book and replaced it with an explanation  of why.

An article in the Los Angeles Times understood her removal to mean that she disavows the book. I don’t get that at all from what she said. It looks to me like she no longer wants to promote the book because she feels that people are misusing it and using her site in order to do so. She says in part.

…I want it to be known that I do not blanketly endorse this book) and thus have removed the content (the text of the book) from this page for this reason alone – so that no one will read excerpts of the book and think they know what the whole context is.

This, frankly confuses me. The excerpts are already out there and it was her text which provided context. Without the context, all that is left are the quotes on other pages and the useless link which provided the proof and the context.

I can totally understand why she would want to distance herself from those teachings yet, she seems to continue to defend them, claiming that people are misconstruing and misusing them.  The best I can conclude is that she agreed with some of the teachings, but not all of them and she has finally realized that not everyone “simply gleaned things in it that were of value.”

QuicksilverQueen has posted the text here.



  1. C.L. Dyck on January 4, 2012 at 11:15 am

    Thank you, Anne. I’m soon going to need to do a “2nd edition” of the Parenting in the Name of God e-book with that link updated, among other addenda.

  2. Cindy K on December 31, 2011 at 12:45 pm

    How in heaven’s name can you claim that access to the whole book in context will fail to provide people with the opportunity to read the entire work to discern for themselves what the context is?

    Is this not a prime example of the authoritarian and paternalistic approach to the topic and those who support Pearl? This measure confirms the spiritual abuse, aimed at squelching criticism. Only people who will agree with the teachings should have free access to the book in context? Outsiders or critics need not apply because they are outsiders. This is control of milieu and control of information.

    Don’t they realize that this makes the whole group look more controlling and bizarre? It confirms the thesis advanced by the critics. Our way or the highway. Too bad they can’t subject the critics who “misuse” the text to a little plumbing line for their own purification!

  3. TealRose on December 29, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    Thank you too Anne for being so forward thinking !!!!

  4. Anne -- QuicksilverQueen.com on December 29, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    I thought it might get deleted sooner or later so copied the text here: http://www.quicksilverqueen.com/ttuacbook.html

  5. RM on December 29, 2011 at 12:36 pm

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