The Pearls Defend Themselves on CBS News
CBS has given the Pearls a chance to defend themselves in this news story. (If you don’t want to watch the video, most of the tex of t is in the link.)
CBS has given the Pearls a chance to defend themselves in this news story. (If you don’t want to watch the video, most of the tex of t is in the link.)
I agree, Michael……
Have you seen this, Linda?
“The complaint stated he said he struck the victim not with his hands but with a homemade paddle, saying his hands are for love instead of hitting.
Read more:–year-old-s-arm-during-paddling/article_65ec8438-5905-11e1-a24b-001871e3ce6c.html#ixzz1nsxQIqJT
I hadn’t heard that, thank you.
It’s funny that what the Pearls advocate, we cannot wish on them, because not only is it illegal to whip people, it is even illegal to threaten to whip people, or encourage others to whip them.
I do wish someone would take the necessary steps to strip them of all their ill-gotten gains, though. A massive civil suit on behalf of America’s children, perhaps, or at least on behalf of the ones maimed and killed because of the Pearls.