Obedience and Fear
Do your children fear getting in trouble? Dara Stoltzfus shows us how dangerous it can be for children to fear their parents in a *very* sensitive post. Honestly, I wish I had never read this post. It is so disturbing that I will just summarize it for the sensitive. A 9 year old girl put herself into the worse situation imaginable because she was more afraid of getting in trouble than she was of a stranger. Horrific. Why would a child who had done nothing wrong be afraid to go home and instead seek refuge with a stranger? Please don’t allow your children to be afraid of you. Even a child who has done something wrong should not be afraid of their parents. Perfect love casts out all fear.
So, how should we get our children to obey? Please see what MamaPsalmist has to say about Obedience.
Thank you for posting this. Pro-spankers need to understand the deadly consequences of inflicting pain on children. This is not what God intended at all! Fear is not from God 2 Timothy 1:7.