Posts Tagged ‘quotes’
Analyzing A Problematic Post by Pearl
Sarah at Field of Vision has started a small series of posts looking at the Pearl’s teachings and specifically their attitude towards children. This series focuses on one particular article by Michael Pearl called, Emotional Manipulators. Part 1: Parenting and the Power of Perspective in which she discusses how Michael Pearl assigns negative intent to…
Read MoreConsidering Adoption Reform
Whatcom Mom had an interesting comment which I would like to highlight. I’m hoping the readers here will have some ideas about improving adoption home study practice, based on what we have learned from the deaths of Hana Williams and Lydia Schatz and injuries to their siblings. So you know where I’m coming from. I’m…
Read MoreAlways The Woman’s Fault?
Forgedimagination responds to an article by the Pearls in Cloistered Fruit: (Not) An Open Letter To The Pearls. This is a rather extreme example of their teaching that everything comes down to being the fault of the woman (or in this case, women.) For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreA Complementarian’s Concerns With Created To Be His Help Meet
Complementarian Tim Challies analyses Debi Pearl’s book, Created To Be His Help Meet and points out his concerns with the teachings therein. Part 1 looks at the harsh and critical spirit and the foolish counsel. Part 2 looks at “poor theology, poor use of Scripture and far too little gospel.” This is an excellent review…
Read MoreAnother Interesting Quote from Pearl
My friend, Rebecca Diamond, brought this quote from Michael Pearl to my attention. It is from his website: Rodless Training from June 1999 (emphasis mine): “There will be times when a spanking is appropriate. But you are prevented! Then use your power as the caretaker and dispenser of all privileges and responsibilities to make his…
Read MoreMichael Pearl Quote Selected as QOD on CNN’s Belief Blog
CNN’s Belief Blog chose a quote from Michael Pearl as Quote of The Day for today, Thursday Feb 23, 2012. Quote of the Day: It is something that is rooted in the nature of every human being. We see it across the animal kingdom all animals discipline their young they have to if the animals…
Read MoreInvestigative Reports on Michael Pearl
Lauren Hensley, Investigative Reporter for CBS TV Station WVNS West Virginia, brings us Spare the Rod Part 1: Spanking in the Name of the Lord in which she interviews Mr. Pearl. In Spare the Rod Part 2: Local Pastors Challenge Biblical Backing she interviews local religious leaders about his teachings. Stay tuned for Part 3: The…
Read MoreThe Vision Forum’s Tenets of Biblical Patriarchy, 16-21: Education, Transformation, and Control
Note: This is an edited and collated version of a series of posts that I made at Free Jinger in August 2011. For much of my life, my encounters with U.S. fundamentalist Christianity were sporadic and bewildering. I started digging into the roots of the fundamentalist mindset when I became a homeschooler and a Sunday…
Read MoreA Closer Look At TTUAC and How It Relates To The Deaths of 3 Children
More bloggers are analyzing the connections between the Pearls’ book, To Train Up A Child and the deaths of 3 children who were being raised by the methods therein. Free By His Grace tells the story of Hana “Williams” in heart wrenching detail and warns against the teachings of TTUAC in Hana Williams: “Rebellion” or…
Read MoreThe Pearls’ Book NOT Banned in New Zealand (Working on Amazon)
New Zealand’s Censorship Compliance Unit has decided not to ban nor restrict Michael and Debi Pearl’s book, To Train Up A Child, according to this article in the Marlborough Press. While I don’t believe in book banning, it seems to me that if a country has that policy, this book should fall into that category…
Read MoreThe Schatz Story Going Mainstream
Brad Hirschfield posts in The Washington Post about the Schatz story and To Train Up A Child in a piece called, Beating children in the name of God. He exhorts us Christians, saying: Tragically, this is going on, it must be stopped, and it is precisely those of us for whom the Bible is a…
Read MoreRecovering Grace from Bill Gothard
I was not aware that there is a site devoted to Shedding Light On The Teachings of IBLP and ATI (Bill Gothard’s Teachings.) These sites are popping up faster than I can keep track of them, Praise the Lord. I don’t have enough categories for all these abusive teachings, just tags, so I’m happy to…
Read MoreSpanking to Remove Guilt?
Back in October of 2010, Michael Pearl published an article where he claimed that he had never taught that spanking absolves a child of guilt. He does, however, teach in that same article that they need the spanking in order to absolve themselves of guilt. It is clear in all my writing that the forgiveness…
Read MoreIn Memory of Lydia Schatz
Sunday, Feb 6, 2011 was the first anniversary of the death of Lydia Schatz. Here are the posts I have found in memory of her so far In memory of Lydia Schatz by ukrainiac in which she gives a brief summary of the story and links to Tulip Girl’s post. Remembering Lydia Schatz by Tulip…
Read MoreMixed feelings about Created To Be His Help Meet
Elizabeth, at Virginia Is For Mothers, reviews Created To Be His Help Meet. While she got a lot of positive things out of it, she has some concerns. I am linking to this post for 2 reasons. 1) This is a good review to share with people who got a lot out of the book…
Read MoreAnother Pro-Spanker speaks out against Michael Pearl
Emily shares a quote from Michael Pearl and her response to it. Ah, but she did not share where the quote can be found. Lest anyone insist that they do not remember Mr. Pearl ever saying such a thing, I will share the citation. It is from an article on the No Greater Joy Website…
Read MoreWhat Does Mr. Pearl Really Believe?
Michael Pearl has a very interesting article on his website where he responds to Pastor Raley‘s warning against his teachings in his church bulletin. Now, in this article, Mr. Pearl says that he did not say what Pastor Raley says that he said. I found that very interesting and so I decided to go through the…
Read MoreThe Explaination
One-hit_wonder has posted a very impassioned explanation of why she feels so strongly about the Pearls’ teaching that she was willing to cause family strife by speaking out against them. I also want to thank her for using my TTUAC quotes and linking to me. <3 For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreQuotes from NJG website
This Review of the Pearls is from someone who agrees with many of the Pearls’ teachings (including the concept of training) but cannot get past some of the more outrageous quotes on their website. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreSecular Homeschooling Magazine
The homeschooling movement is taking notice of the Pearls. Secular Homeschooling is a rather large magazine and they have written an exposé of the Pearls and their teachings. She looks at all aspects of the Pearls and gives some advice on how to respond when offered the book at a homeschool gathering. To Train Up…
Read MoreQuotes from To Train Up A Child
When quoting from To Train Up A Child (written and published by Michael and Debi Pearl), we should be careful about paraphrasing. We are being accused of misquoting. Here are some quotes from the first edition of the book, which is found online here. I got the page numbers for the 1st edition (1994) from…
Read MoreLink to “Pearls” of Wisdom?
Just added to In-Depth Analysis links “Pearls” of Wisdom? by Woman Uncensored includes numerous quotes from NGJ site For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
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