Posts Tagged ‘The Pearls’ Teachings’
Investigative Reports on Michael Pearl
Lauren Hensley, Investigative Reporter for CBS TV Station WVNS West Virginia, brings us Spare the Rod Part 1: Spanking in the Name of the Lord in which she interviews Mr. Pearl. In Spare the Rod Part 2: Local Pastors Challenge Biblical Backing she interviews local religious leaders about his teachings. Stay tuned for Part 3: The…
Read MoreThe Science Behind Happy And Compliant Children
Cindy of Under Much Grace explains the scientific evidence that shows the damage done to children who suffer harsh punishment from a young age. Parents who follow Pearls’ advice to punish toddlers for age appropriate behaviors may end up with seemingly happy and compliant children, but at what price? For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreIt’s Not Just About Spanking Children, It’s About Breaking Children
Former Pearl follower Becky, from Created To Be His, shares a letter she wrote explaining her concerns with the Pearls and their teachings. In this letter she also explains what these teachings have to do with the death of Lydia Schatz and includes quotes from the book. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreTodayMoms discusses the Pearls’ Teachings
I heard a couple of weeks ago that Michael Pearl was scheduled to be on the Today Show. Well, I don’t know if this is related to that or not, but MSNBC’s Today Moms Blog is discussing his teachings in Controversy grows over pro-spanking book after abuse deaths. Update: Michael Pearl was on NBC’s Today…
Read MoreAn Incriminating Video of Pearl
While I don’t like to link to sites like this, I really feel that this needs to be shown. I have come across a video (removed by NGJ by Copyright Claim) which was clearly designed to make Michael Pearl look bad. Someone managed to get a recording of the Q & A part of one…
Read MoreThe Dangerous Mindset
Elizabeth Esther explains the mindset which causes a lot of the damage in the Pearl’s teachings in If it feels good, it’s sinful. Cindy at Under Much Grace reminds us, “Barring some other major news event that bumps the story, Michael Pearl is slated to appear on NBC’s Today Show sometime between 8 and 11…
Read MoreAn Interview with Elizabeth Esther
BlogHer Network Interviews Elizabeth Esther about her appearance with Michael Pearl on Anderson Cooper’s daytime Talk Show today (Monday for Los Angeles Viewers). Many bloggers are promoting this episode: Elizabeth Esther Faces Michael Pearl On Anderson by Free By His Grace Keeping Up with Michael Pearl: Interview on Anderson (Cooper’s) Talk Show TODAY (and Pearl’s…
Read MoreElizabeth Esther on Anderson
Elizabeth Esther will be appearing on Anderson Cooper’s new daytime talk show (on FOX) with Michael Pearl this Friday (Dec 2, 2011) and she writes about it here, My appearance on Anderson Cooper’s daytime talk show airs this Friday, Dec. 2nd #NoMoreDeadKids. She includes a link to find out where and when you can watch…
Read MoreMichael Pearl and Anderson Cooper
Michael will appear with Anderson Cooper on Friday Dec 2, 2011. I assume that this will be the long awaited episode of which Elizabeth Esther spoke. Meanwhile, Alexandra Ossola has made a petition asking the American Family Association to denounce the book To Train Up a Child as it advocates legitimized abuse. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd…
Read MorePearl Rallies His Followers
I have heard about this letter from various sources and have decided to link to this one because she also includes her well written Amazon Review. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreAbout Cults
The Amish are in the news again and this time not for helping to inspire Michael Pearl’s teachings. I have mentioned before how susceptible people can be to following false teachers and cult leaders. Well, now we find an Amish cult leader. Updated info here. Cindy of Under Much Grace explains more about how people…
Read More‘Marriage for Today’ Hosts Defend Michael Pearl’s Teachings.
An article in The Christian Post reports that ‘Marriage for Today’ Hosts, Rev. Mike Fox and his wife, Trisha, have been using the Pearls’ teachings to raise their daughter and are scheduled to appear on CNN to defend Michael Pearl. Because Christians did not stand up and condemn the dangerous teachings of the Pearls, they…
Read MoreWhere Did Pearl Say This?
In this interview in the National Post, Pearl is quoted as saying: But, I have said many times, when a spanking is not working, stop doing it. There are times when children become so emotionally torn that they have ceased all cognitive activity. Spanking is then counterproductive. Frankly, I don’t recall him every saying that. …
Read MoreThe Pearls Remain In The News
Lisa Belkin of The Huffington Post asks, Can Adoption Lead to Child Abuse? Elizabeth Esther explains why we should hold the Pearls accountable for their teachings in Are the Pearls to blame for child spanking deaths? Clay Duda of the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange takes a look at the history of corporeal punishment in Spanking at…
Read MoreSlate Looks at the Pearls Book
J. Bryan Lowder of Slate Magazine read the Pearls’ book in order to answer the question, Did the Disturbing Philosophy of To Train Up a Child Lead to Hana Williams’ Death? For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreProfessors and Scholars Speak Out Against Pearl
Megan Graham of The Daily Illini (Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Illinois) looks at To Train Up A Child and its influence as well as the issue of Free Speech in Parenting book missing childlike innocence. Prof. William Webb (Author of the new book Corporal Punishment In The Bible) explains that The Pearls’…
Read MoreA Closer Look At The Pearls’ Teachings and Adoption
Christine Minich takes a look at The Pearls’ Teachings in: The Disturbing World of The Pearls in which she looks at Doublespeak and Definitions as well as some examples of his abusive teachings. and The Disturbing World of The Pearls Part 2 in which she takes a look at their heretical Theology. Also, TulipGirl tries…
Read MoreA Closer Look At TTUAC and How It Relates To The Deaths of 3 Children
More bloggers are analyzing the connections between the Pearls’ book, To Train Up A Child and the deaths of 3 children who were being raised by the methods therein. Free By His Grace tells the story of Hana “Williams” in heart wrenching detail and warns against the teachings of TTUAC in Hana Williams: “Rebellion” or…
Read MoreReactions to Hana Williams story
Here are some reactions to the “Hana Williams” story from around the internet. All of these links consider the link between To Train Up A Child and Hanna’s death. Note: I just found out from a friend of her’s from Ethiopia that her real name is Hanna Beck. eta: word from Ethiopia is that her…
Read MoreThe Williams Arrested For The Death of Hana Grace
We have been following the story of Hana Grace Williams who was found dead outside her home last May. The only reason this story is of interest to this blog is that the Williams were known to be following The Pearls’ teachings with their children before they adopted Hana and her brother in 2008. Any…
Read MoreWhy Blame The Pearls At All?
Many people question why anyone could possibly blame the Pearls at all for the death of Lydia Schatz. I totally understand the question. No matter what the Pearls teach, they did not actually hit the child. And they insist that the Schatz family did not follow their instructions properly. So, did they? Well, we can’t…
Read MoreMore about Hana Grace Williams
You may recall me posting about Hana Grace Williams earlier this month. In that post I mentioned that I had heard murmurings on the internet that her parents were Pearl followers. Well, someone has emailed me to confirm that rumor. Well, confirm might be too strong a word for a fairly anonymous email, but I don’t…
Read MoreThe “Ministry” of The Pearls
Marianna Klebanov, has an article in the San Mateo Parenting Examiner about The “Ministry” of Michael and Debi Pearl. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit
Read MoreBehaviorism at the Root of Child Training
Carissa Robinson explains that “If you observe most recommended Christian parenting practices today, you might be surprised to discover a secular influence: behavioral psychology” in Awaken Their Hearts. Meanwhile, Greenegem explains the error in thinking that we have to DO anything more than believe in order to be saved in No Assembly Required. For your…
Read MoreResponses to the CNN Story
Elizabeth Esther follows up on the CNN coverage of the Pearls’ teachings by explaining how these teachings lead to the sickness of Cognitive Dissonance which is what “happens when a teacher, pastor or person in authority advocates abusive methods while simultaneously recusing themselves from the actual, direct results of that abuse.” She also reminds us…
Read MoreMore Investigation from CNN
CNN continues its investigative report of abuse among fundamental Christians and how it relates to the Pearls’ teachings. Jocelyn Zichterman, who was raised in this culture and started, explains the concept of Breaking The Will and how spankings must continue until the child submits even if it takes several hours. This video seems to…
Read MoreGentle Parenting In Action
Libby Anne has a very interesting blog post about how being raised by the Pearls’ teachings affects her efforts to gently parent her daughter in Parenting Is Not A Contest. For more examples of Gentle Parenting, check out Pearl in Oyster’s (PIO’s) play by play of one whole day day: A Day in the Life,…
Read MoreRecovering Grace from Bill Gothard
I was not aware that there is a site devoted to Shedding Light On The Teachings of IBLP and ATI (Bill Gothard’s Teachings.) These sites are popping up faster than I can keep track of them, Praise the Lord. I don’t have enough categories for all these abusive teachings, just tags, so I’m happy to…
Read MoreNew Site: “No Greater Joy?”
beatenwithplumbingline has just started a new blog called, No Greater Joy? The first, and so far only, post shows how the Pearls’ teachings violate Matthew 18:2-6. (Note, this site has since been deleted) This post also states the purpose of the new blog which is. …to warn parents, pastors, and law enforcement of the dangerous…
Read MoreLooking Back on Being Spanked
Samuel Martin’s newest post reaches out to the Spanked and seeks ideas on how to help them convey their viewpoints to their parents. Meanwhile, Libby Anne has shared 2 posts sharing her testimony of how her parents’ adherence to the Pearls’ teachings affected her: Giving the Child the Rod, in which she shares about how…
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