Michael & Debi Pearl: Helpful or Harmful? – Pastor Peter Vik

I found this video very well worth the time. They explain their concerns with the teachings of the Pearls and of Bill Gothard very well. Pastor Vik states that he is not against all corporeal punishment, which makes this good to share with pro-spanking Christians who will not consider any arguments from non-spankers. For your…

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Video About Growing Up Under Gothard’s and Pearl’s Teachings

Kristiana Minor is interviewed by Chris Shelton in the long but very worthwhile video, Growing Up Quiverfull – The Duggar’s Destructive Cult. Because this video is over an hour long, I will provide an outline with times so you can skip to the parts you wish to watch. You can also read Kristiana’s story by…

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White House Bible Study

Libby Anne  reports that the White House Bible Study leader is teaching something very close to Pearl’s teachings. This is affecting the way they run the country, specifically the decision to separate children from their parents. I sincerely hope that this is not true, but I wanted to share it with everyone because it seems…

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Does Candace Cameron Bure promote the Pearls?

Inquisitr.com reports that Candace Cameron Bure promotes some very harsh teachings including that of the Pearls’. They even link to an old blog post entitled,“Ask Candace” for proof. Do you have any parenting tips? Who doesn’t? We all learn things along the way, that we end up sharing with people whether they like it or…

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Testimony of Gentle Parenting

Gentle Christian Mothers has posted a testimony on her Facebook page. She includes a lovely photo of her 4 children, I do hope you will take a look. It is a public post so I do not believe that you need to have a Facebook account in order to view it. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd…

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Understanding Toddler Meltdowns

What is the right response to a toddler’s meltdown? Would understanding them help? You bet it would! For that reason, I am sharing this very helpful and insightful post from Stephanie Cox, The Brain Overload During Meltdowns Is Real! Edited to add, here is the follow up to this post. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to…

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Not Allowed To Foster Because of Spanking

Gregory and Melanie Magazu have been told that they may not have foster children because they spank their own children. I think that it is a good thing. Foster children have enough trauma, without being aware of children in the home being hit. This applears to be a test case, so I will be watching it. For…

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There’s More To This Than Meets The Eye

Perhaps you have heard of Rachel Dolezal, she has been in the media a lot lately. She recently resigned from her posistion as NAACP leader after her parents informed the media that she was white. I had a feeling that there was something behind this all that we didn’t know, so I was not very surprised to find…

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More Reactions to the Duggar Situation

There is SO much being written about the Duggars. In an effort to please everyone, I decided to stop posting everything I saw on this blog’s Facebook Page and start posting it on my Facebook Account’s wall.  This way, those who want to see everything I share in real time can friend me and those who rather just…

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Hope For Healing Duggars

I have been feeling very sad about the Duggar situation, so I am comforted to read this encouraging post by Trudy Metzger. Yes, the situation is grim, but there is still hope for healing. Yes, it’s true that she probably doesn’t really understand the patriarchy mindset involved in this story, but she does know about…

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The Duggars – The Facade Crummbles

It is with great sadness of heart that I discover that my concerns about the Duggar family were well founded.  In fact, it’s worse than I ever even imagined.  I always knew that they spanked their children, even though many gentle parents insisted that they did not.  I knew that they were involved with ATI…

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Rebecca’s Review of 13:24

Rebecca has written a very helpful review of the crime thriller 13:24 by M. Dolon Hickmon.  This review explains how triggering this novel is for victims of abuse and why it is not appropriate for everyone.  I, for one, appreciate the warning. Please see the conversation which ensued between M Dolon Hickmon, myself and Rebecca Diamond on…

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“To Train Up A Child” in New Zealand News

Eileen Joy and her petition have made the mainstream news in New Zealand after reaching 100,000 signatures. Here is an article in the New Zealand Herald. Here is an article from Auckland Now. (Sunday Star Times) Here is an article from 3 News There is also debate about this on Facebook.  I found a some on this pages:…

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Petition to Auckland Libraries

Eileen Joy has started a petition at Change.org asking the Auckland Public Library system to remove the newly aquired book, To Train Up A Child from their system.  The library claims that to remove it would be censorship, even though the book advocates for corporal punishment which is illegal in New Zealand. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd…

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Update in the Barbour Case

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette has an update on the Barbour Case which focuses on the children involved and their new life and healing.  It’s so wonderful to post some good news for a change! In case you missed them, here are my previous posts about the Barbour case.   For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit

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Life Sentence for Killing Child While Trying To Break his Will

Markiece Palmer has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the beating death of Roderick “RJ” Arrington. This was another case of parents abusing their child in the name of religion. The part I found intersting about this case was that the judge condemned him for his attempt to break…

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He Makes Pearl’s Teachings Seem Gentle

R.L. Stollar has an in depth analysis of Voddie Baucham’s teachings in The Child As Viper: How Voddie Baucham’s Theology of Children Promotes Abuse.  In it, Voddie Baucham’s teachings are compared to Michael Pearl’s teachings with this conclusion: Baucham’s system thus ends up being more authoritarian than Pearl’s, and that is caused by the fact that Baucham not…

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Teaching Children How To Appolgize

JoEllen from CuppaCocoa explains how to teach children A Better Way To Say Sorry.  This method is phenomenal as are the results of teaching it.  As Dara Stoltzfus said on the Facebook page for this site. I’ve used this approach with my kids and it’s really the best way to go. Just forcing the “I’m sorry” thing…

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HSLDA Speaks Out Against Patriarchy

Michael Ferris, on behalf of HSLDA, speaks out against Bill Gothard, Doug Phillips and the teachings of Patriarchy in A Line In The Sand.  It’s a shame they still recommend abusive books, such as those by Dr. James Dobson and John Rosemond. For your sharing convenience:TwitterFacebookemailPrintTumblrDiggdel.icio.usStumbleUponAdd to favoritesReddit

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Steph Got your help! Thank you!

UPDATE:  Because of  cash donations not included in the total, the goal has been met!  Thank you to everyone who participated in this labor of love.  <3 Steph is the author of Gentle Firmness. She needs a new wheelchair, this link explains why.  Please share the link, every little bit helps. Thank you so much! For your…

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Maj. John and Carolyn Jackson on trial for abuse

I just found out about a new abuse trial, that of Army Maj. John E. Jackson and his wife, Carolyn.  The North Jersey Record writes about the case here.  It involves 3 adopted children, one of whom died some time ago (which they are now investigating due to the findings of abuse of the other 2.)…

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Carri Williams Appeals

Maureen shares an update of the Barbour case, in which Kristen Barbour was sentenced to 6-12 months for pleading no contest to the felony charge of endangering her 2 adopted Ethiopian children.  What I find most surprising is that she will be allowed to go home and take care of her children for 40 hours per week. This…

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More About the Old Schoolhouse and Abuse

Homeschoolers Anonymous has a new article about Homeschool Leaders covering up sexual abuse. (*trigger warning*) They focus on Paul and Gena Suarez of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, who I have mentioned before.  They are assisted in this story by Eric Novak who used to work for The Old Schoolhouse and was close to the family. The reason I…

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Bill Gothard: The Board’s Conclusion

The board who was investigating Bill Gothard has concluded that he acted inappropriately but not criminally, according to an article in the Chicago Sun Times. Of course, there will be plenty of blog posts analyzing this conclusion to which I will link as I find them. Here is Recovering Grace’s response to this statement. For…

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Victoria Strong Analyses The Strong-Willed Child by James Dobson

Victoria Strong blames her abusive childhood on the teachings of Dr. James Dobson and is now reviewing his book, The Strong-Willed Child.  She explains why in this heartbreaking quote: So that is why I’m reviewing this book. I need to know what it says. I need some answers as to why my parents seemed to…

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